As I entered the 50’s era inspired restaurant, I spotted Mickey and our daughter sitting in a corner booth. I smiled and felt a flood of warmth envelope me.

Mickey was playing with Max -short for Matilda somehow, after my mother- and I could hear her loud giggles from the door. I waved at Mickey and made my way to their corner. I stooped down, giving Mickey a quick kiss on the lips and then planted a multitude of wet sloppy pecks on Max’s big baby forehead.

“You seem to be chipper today,” Mickey teased.

I grinned and sat in the booth opposite him.

“I have a good reason to be.”


I held up my hand like I was about to whisper a secret, “We wrapped up the last of the first film. We’ll have a big celebration for it tomorrow.”

Mickey’s eyes widened and a grin split across his face. If he was in a cartoon, he’d have those massive sparkles in his eyes.

“That’s amazing! You’ve been working so hard! I think you mentioned there would be a month or so breath before they rolled right into the next one?”

I nodded. “Yeah, the studio is pretty damn assured of its success, so they want to be able to put a sequel out within a year. It’s crazy to think of how fast it’s all going.”

“Yeah, it really is, isn’t it?” He took my hands in his and I stared, mesmerized at the pure, unadulterated joy on his face. I don’t know how I got so lucky. Mickey at times reminded me of a friendly dog. Like a really big one that would plow you over when you get home because he was so damn happy to see you. It was still mind boggling to me that my big, loving husband was sweeter than sugar to me, but absolutely terrifying in the ring.

“I’m so happy for you baby.” We shared a smile and I looked at Max, who was cooing as if she was in on the conversation as well. Chuckling, I scooped her up and held her against my torso.

Our waiter came and took our orders. We decided to have breakfast for dinner and go all out. I explained more details about the next film to Mickey and asked him what the two of them got up too while I was gone. Also, what we should do while we both had the next couple of weeks off. A trip maybe? We hadn’t taken one since before Max was born.

Mickey answered happily, fully invested in the conversation. I knew some women griped that their partner never listened to them, but Mickey was never like that. The only thing he would do was stop every now and then to make faces at Max -which never failed to make her squeal with delight.

I always loved watching them interact. He was a huge help since my little Matilda was born. He took to fatherhood like a fish to water and I had to try not resent that our daughter was going to be a total daddy’s girl when she got older. Heck, she was practically there already.

“So, Amber,” Mickey started. We were just about done with our meal. I only had a piece of sausage left on my plate and his plate was clean except for syrup.

“Yes?” I leaned my chin against my hand.

“There’s something that I wanted to ask you for a while.” He took a deep breath, seeming to steady his thoughts. “I wasn’t entirely sure when would be the best time… But with you about to have a break, now is better than never.”

I watched as Mickey gestured for our server.

Our waiter came to our booth with a plate in his hands. My brows furrowed as I looked at the slice of cake, decadent and covered with fudge. I didn’t quite understand what was happening, my brow furrowing as I watched.

Like everything was completely normal, the waiter handed Mickey the plate. My giant of a man took it, then climbed out of the booth and stood up to his full height.

And then, in an impossible turn of events, he sunk onto one knee and fished a box out of his pocket, placing it right on the plate with the cake.

Realization hit me square in the face.

My jaw dropped in disbelief. Before I could speak Mickey spoke up.

“Amber Dirussi. I’ve been in love with you for as long as I could remember. I feel as though fate brought us together at that wedding. I can safely say, that in my entire life I have never been happier than I am with you.”

He opened the box, revealing that inside was a beautiful ring. It reminded me of the flashy jewel I wore when I first woke up after our drunken night together and was still on my finger.

“So, I’m hoping you’ll accept this proposal, and let me continue being the happiest man on earth.”