I was just… a man. A man who was maybe sorta kinda harboring a crush on the most amazing woman in the world.

And I found that woman with the extras right where I expected her to be. She was having them run through what I guessed were their uh… truck shots? No, that wasn’t it. Tracking shots? I didn’t know. She was the expert, not me.

Even as I reminded of how upset I was about the ring thing when I saw her bare hand, I couldn’t help but stop and admire a moment how beautiful she was.

The sun was behind her, casting her in a hazy sort of silhouette and shining golden through her hair. Her thick curves were emphasized, and my hands reminded me just how it felt to sink into her softness. She was femininity and power and everything that I longed for. It was like she was the perfect counterpoint to everything I was, and I would never be as complete as I was with her.

Geez, I needed to make sure I never said that out loud. It sounded borderline stalkery.

“Alright guys, that was good! Let’s take a water and bathroom break and meet back here in ten, alright? Then we’ll do a few more run-throughs and then that might be it for the day. Those of you who have already been picked for close ups, head to hair and makeup.”

The crowd dispersed and I took that as my chance. Marching right up to her, I drew in a breath to keep my voice as steady as possible.

“I thought I told you the ring was a gift.”

I hadn’t particularly been trying to be very sneaky, but she still jumped. Whirling to face me, I saw her pupils shrink down with shock while her eyes were blown wide. Her cheeks held a faint flush to them, but if I didn’t know better, I would have had no idea that her world had been just so thoroughly rocked less than two hours earlier.

“You can tell me whatever the hell you want, that doesn’t mean I have to accept it.”

“Come on, Amber,” I said, taking another step closer to her. “What’s wrong? We were getting along fine just a minute ago.”

“Of course, you would think that,” she snapped, her voice low so that no one would hear us. “You had your dick inside of me.”

“What does that have to do with anything? Did you not like it?” Had I somehow misread things? As far as I knew, her consent had been repeated, verbal and enthusiastic. Just how I liked my partners. I wanted them to be as happy to be there as I was.

“No! It… it was fine. It was just… inappropriate.”

“Inappropriate?” I repeated. Of course, it was, but she hadn’t seemed to mind before. “And that’s why you’re so suddenly pissed off?”

She puffed up like she was going to read me the riot act, but then just seemed to deflate, rubbing her temples. “Look, I need you to respect my work space. What we did was stupid and unprofessional, okay. We’re just friends, and right now we’re coworkers, and we need to leave it at that.”

“If that’s what you need, then I’m fine with it,” I replied evenly. Really, I wasn’t, but I respected Amber far too much to cause a scene at her job. “And I’m sorry if I crossed any boundaries. But I have to say, you’re sending me very mixed messages here. It really seemed like you were into it. In fact, you initiated.”

“I did,” she said, her cheeks coloring. “And I was. It’s just…” she groaned and stepped even closer, so that we were almost touching. Standing on tip toes, she whispered in my ear, as if she was ashamed of the words coming out of her mouth.

“You called me ‘wifey’.”



Well that explained it.

And wow, was I stupid.

I knew how much Amber wanted to be done with the marriage thing, how she was worried about it hurting her professional career. How it was such a big stressor to her. And I had brought it up like some sort of pet name.

Talk about a dumb move.

“Oh?” she questioned, raising her eyebrow.

“Uh, yeah, that was majorly stupid of me. I’m sorry.”

That seemed to soften her, and she smiled ever so faintly. “Well, I have heard guys say some pretty stupid things after they come.”

“And boy, I certainly did come hard.”

That seemed to please her further. “Yeah, you did. I had to use your shower. Hope you don’t mind.”

The thought of her needing to wash my spend out of her so it wouldn’t drip down her thighs as she worked stirred something in me and I felt my dick start to perk up. While I had a healthy sort of sex drive, being ready to go so quickly after already orgasming once was new to me. It had to be Amber. There was no one else like her.