“Only if you let me fill you right back up again.” I growled; my voice too low for anyone else to hear.

She shuddered and stepped back. “Didn’t we just have a talk about professionalism?”

“Sorry.” I wasn’t sorry at all. “I guess you just bring out the worst in me.”

“Well, it’s not very hard to do.”

The banter reminded me of old times, albeit much more sexually charged. Back when we were kids and I would tease her while she always tried to needle me. She’d always been so witty, even for being a touch younger than me, and I remember people wondering when we would just get on with it and actually date.

I opened my mouth to keep it going, to keep her attention on me as long as possible. It was like she was the light, and I was some sort of plant desperate for her glow. But before I could get a single word out, a strangle cry ripped through the air, cutting through everything else.

“What the hell was that!?”


I bolted towards the sound, my heart in my throat. There were about a million and one things that could go wrong on a movie set and when I had heard that scream, my heart had stopped beating right in my chest.

Both of us raced towards the noise and we came upon one of the PAs trying to help Amelia up from the ground, her face crumpled in pain.

“Are you alright?” I asked, rushing to her other side. But Mickey beat me there, his arms scooping up the tall, beautiful woman like she was a child. That same hissing cat feeling rolled through me, but I ignored it. It was not the time for that.

“Damn gopher hole! I didn’t see it and I stepped right in it on my weak ankle.” She let out a groan of pain and I really did feel bad to her. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I feel like an idiot!”

“Hey,” I said, grabbing her hand while Mickey started walking. I assumed he was taking her to the med tent, which he had probably been shown when he first arrived on set. “You have nothing to apologize for. Accidents happen. I’m sure it’s not too bad.”

She shook her head, her lips a thin line. “Nope. I’m pretty sure I just ruined everything. I know my body, and I heard a pop.”

I swallowed hard at that. As a stunt worker, I was well aware of how it felt to have the boogeyman of an unexpected injury hovering over one’s head. “You think it’s broken?”

“Thankfully, no. But I’m willing to bet anywhere from a muscle tear to a sprain.”


“Ouch indeed.”

The woman looked so upset that I wanted to comfort her, even if I didn’t really know what to say. “Well, let’s see what the doctor has to say first, okay? I hear we have quite a good one on staff.”

“I would hope so, considering all the stunt work.”

I smiled at that. Although the woman did indeed look upset, she still was as charming as ever. I certainly wouldn’t be so gracious if I had fucked up my ankle in a gopher hole. I’d rolled my ankle very badly once in college and that wasn’t something I’d wish on anyone. It was a delicate joint with about a million and one pieces.

Fingers crossed; she was going to be okay.

* * *

“So, what are we going to do now?”

I chewed on my lip as two of the producers and the director stood in a little semi-circle in front of us. The mood was grim, and I couldn’t fucking blame them. Much to everyone’s dismay, Amelia was down for the count.

It looked like she wouldn’t be able to get back to her training anytime soon either, so I felt really bad for her. I made sure to put into my calendar to check in on her in a few weeks, but for the moment, the commercial was the most pressing concern.

“Can we digitally put her face on someone else’s?” One of the producers asked, straightening his button up. I figured it was a sort of nervous habit, and it made me more nervous too. Would I lose this job before it ever really got of the ground? If I hadn’t been so preoccupied with getting toe curling orgasms from Mickey, would I have been there to stop her? Would she have even been walking across the field at all, or was that solely because of my neglect?

“Eh, that’s pretty damn expensive. And it’s not like we filmed close ups or b-reel of her. Not even a shred of mo-cap either.”

Guilt coiled in my stomach, hot and sharp and damning. I had really let myself ruin everything for me, again hadn’t I? I had never been an impulsive person and my business always came first, so why was Mickey so easily able to sway me? Sure, the sex was insane -if that was even a good enough word for it. When he was inside me, bringing things out of me that I didn’t even know were possible, the rest of the world fell away. All the stress, all the pressure, the deadlines. It was just him and me, connected and sharing. He took over, and his strength, the sheer power of him gave me a haven to rest in. One where I didn’t have to be fighting or climbing, I could just be and feel. It was a pretty intoxicating feeling.