What the hell?

I had told her she could keep it, an apology from me to her for complicating her already hectic life. She had seemed to accept it at the time, so why was it sitting there in my kitchen?

I picked it up, looking at it like it was cursed. So many questions rolled through my mind and I felt confusion team up with my irritation.

I thought that things had ended on a good note. It was certainly the best sex that I had in ages, wiping me out better than an intense work out. Amber turned me on more than anything, made me feel strong and powerful with the way I brought her so much pleasure. And I had made her come, hadn’t I? Twice even. Not that she owed me anything because of that. It was just…


Well, the best way to deal with a little confusion was to ask questions, so I went about getting dressed and tracking her down.

A quick look at my watch told me that I’d only been snoozing for an hour and a half. So, I hadn’t missed out on that much time. If I had to guess, I would say she had probably showed Amelia her solo choreo already and was letting her run through it on her own.

Or I could be completely full of shit.

Oh well, only one way to find out I supposed.

I made my way towards the company tent, the same one that we had been sparring in. When I had first gone in there, I hadn’t intended for things to end up how they did. Not that I was complaining at all, it was just that I had hoped we would talk things out and I would figure out why she was so short with me. But then we’d been all tangled up together, and she’d been so competent, so full of fire, that I couldn’t help it that my body responded to her.

And then she’d kissed me and well… the rest was history as it was.

Incredibly sexy, hot history that was definitely going to go into my spank bank for a while.

I got to the tent but didn’t find her there. In fact, there were only two people in it, a couple of jacked guys I recognized from some of the videos she posted online. They weren’t her co-owners, I was pretty certain, but some of her first employees. Good guys. And I tried not to be jealous of that.

“Hey, have you seen Amber?”

I felt like if I was anyone else, they might have been more suspicious. But considering I was the lead; they just gave me polite waves before answering.

“Yeah, she’s going over blocking with the extras again since the director added a few shots. She already worked with the other lead on her solo stuff, so I imagine you’re after that.”

“Thanks,” I said with a nod. “Wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.”

“Yeah, of course.” I went to leave but paused when I heard one of them call out again.

“Hey, you’re not, uh, Mickey the Machine, are you?”

I turned and smiled, trying to be polite. “Yeah, I am. Did Amber tell you about me?”

“What? No. I just, uh, I like to watch your fights. Listen, I know this is really inappropriate, but could I possibly get an autograph from you.”

Huh. So Amber never mentioned me at all? That certainly stung. The man must have seen my deep frown because he held up both of his hands. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

Geez, I needed to pull it together. The last thing I needed was for rumors to get out that I was mean to fans. “Oh no, I don’t mind at all. Was just trying to think if I had a pen anywhere.”

The stunt worker looked relieved at that and smiled. “I have one actually. Lemme just grab my notebook.”

I nodded, anxious to get to Amber but trying not to show it as I waited for him to get both items. To his credit, he did so quickly, and soon I finished autographing it.

“Thanks man. I’ve been watching you from the beginning, you know. Always knew you were going to blow up.”

“Well thanks for the vote of confidence,” I said, clapping him on the back. “I’ll try not to let you down.”

“Hah, you won’t. I have a sense about these things.”

“It’s appreciated.”

I gave the other guy a wave and headed out, feeling as awkward as I always did whenever a fan caught me out in the wild. It wasn’t that I resented them. No, without people interested in my career I would be absolutely nowhere.

It was just that I always felt like I wasn’t doing enough for them. They came to me with thanks and interest and admiration, but all I really did was punch people. I wasn’t a doctor who saved lives, or even a stunt planner like Amber who created awesome scenes to entertain for years to come.