Matt 26:49;

Luke 22:47–48

8. Jesus took him in his arms, and Judas was overcome with his compassion.

9. Suddenly, out of the darkness appeared a band of officers from the Temple, who were carrying lanterns, torches, cudgels, sticks and other weapons.

10. Jesus released Judas and turned towards them, for he knew all things that would happen to him.

John 18:4

11. Judas reeled back in horror, suddenly aware that the Master had been referring to him when he had said during the Passover feast: One of you will betray me, even one of the twelve.


Mark 14:18

12. Jesus then turned to the officers and asked: ‘Whom do you seek?’

13. They answered: ‘Jesus of Nazareth.’

14. Jesus said to them: ‘I am he.’

John 18:4–5

15. Judas was shocked to see that among the group who had come to arrest Jesus was the Scribe who had claimed to be his friend.

16. Judas charged angrily towards him, his fists flying in every direction as he cried out: ‘You have betrayed me.’ But two of the officers grabbed him by the arms and held him back. Judas spat on him.

17. Jesus looked at the Scribe, and said: Am I to be treated as a thief, that you come in the night armed with swords and staves to arrest me? Day after day I attended you in the Temple and you did not approach me, but you have now chosen this moment in the darkest hour of the night to arrest me.


Mark 14:48–49;

Matt 26:55;

Luke 22:52–53

18. As the guards continued to hold on to Judas, the Scribe turned to Jesus and said: You do not understand. It is better that one should die for the people than the whole nation should be destroyed.


John 11:50

19. The disciples were suddenly woken from their slumbers and, seeing Jesus surrounded by soldiers and officers of the Temple, were filled with fear.


Mark 14:50

20. They all forsook Jesus and ran away.

21. Even as they fled, a soldier grabbed one of Jesus’ followers, who was wearing only a loin cloth round his body, but the young man shed the garment and escaped naked.


Mark 14:51–52