22. The officers then released Judas, who stood his ground and watched as Jesus was led away.

Chapter 22

I do not know the man

1. Judas waited until the group of officers that surrounded his Master was out of sight before he followed in their footsteps, always keeping his distance.

2. Although Judas no longer believed that Jesus was the Messiah, he had never lost faith in John the Baptist’s judgment: He is a man of God.


John 1:34

3. Judas hoped that even at this late hour there might be some way of rescuing Jesus.

4. He watched as Jesus was escorted to the house of Caiaphas, the Chief Priest, where a trial would take place, and a verdict would be handed down that had already been agreed upon.

5. Judas pulled the top of his robe over his head and disappeared into the shadows behind a pillar in the courtyard.

6. He listened to the gullible and innocent as they talked among themselves, passing on the latest rumour that was being circulated by well-placed Scribes and officers of the Sanhedrin.

7. One said: ‘Jesus of Nazareth has been arrested and charged with blasphemy.’

8. Another: ‘No one was willing to come forward in his defence.’

9. And yet another: ‘All his disciples ran away the moment they saw the officers of the Temple.’

10. Judas stepped out of the shadows. Even at this last moment he hoped that the Scribe would confirm his story, and the Sanhedrin would allow Jesus to return to Galilee, as long as he gave them an assurance that he would never again be seen in Jerusalem.

11. And then he saw a stooped figure on the far side of the courtyard.

12. Judas approached Peter, confident that together they could bear witness for Jesus, and perhaps even at this late hour save his life.

13. A serving girl stopped and, looking at Peter, said: I saw you with Jesus of Galilee.

14. Peter said: I do not know the man.

15. And another attendant turning to look at Peter, said: This man was a follower of Jesus, and once again, Peter denied ever knowing him.

16. A cock crowed once.

17. A little later, others came up to Peter and said: You were with Jesus of Nazareth, and he denied him a third time.

18. Judas heard the cock crow a second time.

19. And then Peter recalled Jesus’ words: Before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.

20. Judas followed Peter as he stole out of the courtyard to hide among the milling crowd. His head was bowed, and he was weeping bitterly.


Matt 26:69–75;

Mark 14:66–72;

Luke 22:56–62

21. Although both of them had failed their Master in his hour of need, Judas still believed they could be redeemed.