Luke 7:19

14. A Sadducee, who could never accept the resurrection as it was against his most cherished beliefs, pressed Jesus to explain what he had meant by this allusion.

15. Jesus answered: The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is God of the living. Therefore these great patriarchs must still be alive in the resurrection.


Mark 12:24–27;

Matt 22:31–32;

Luke 20:37–38

16. Another Elder stepped forward, also hoping to get the better of Jesus, and asked: Great teacher, we know that you are truthful, even to the point of not caring what others may think of you, or whom you might offend, so tell us, is it against the law to pay taxes to a Roman Emperor?

17. Jesus said, Bring me a coin. The same man handed him a coin that bore the imprint of Caesar. Jesus said: Whose image is on this coin?

18. Caesar’s, answered the Elder.

19. Jesus mocked him and said: Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and render unto God the things that are God’s.


Mark 12:13–17;

Matt 22:15–22;

Luke 20:20–26

20. Then a Scribe stepped forward.

21. Judas immediately recognized him as the man who had promised to assist if Jesus were in any danger.

22. The Scribe asked a question that went to the very heart of Jewish tradition: Is the Messiah the Son of David?

23. Jesus responded with the words of David, as recorded in the hymns of Israel: The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies my footstool.’


Psalm 110:1

24. Jesus then turned his attention to the crowd that surrounded him and declared If David calls the Messiah ‘my Lord’, then the Messiah cannot be David’s son.


Mark 12:35–37;

Matt 22:41–46;

Luke 20:40–41

25. While those around him were overwhelmed by his teaching and interpretation of the law, several of the Elders and the Pharisees immediately left the Temple to sit in the council of the Sanhedrin.

26. When they met, they confirmed that Jesus must die.

Chapter 20

One of you here present will betray me