Mark 14:1–2,

Luke 22:1

15. The Scribe said: But if we let him alone, our nation could be destroyed.

16. Caiaphas said: You do not understand. He must die to save our nation.


John 11:51

17. Another asked: ‘How will that come about?’

18. The Scribe answered: ‘Judas will lead us to him and we will then arrest Jesus of Nazareth and bring charges against him of being a sinner and a blasphemer.’

19. And then the Scribe said: ‘We must let it be known in the Temple that it was one of his disciples who betrayed him.’

20. From that day, the Sanhedrin made plans to put Jesus to death.

John 11:53

Chapter 19

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s

1. Jesus came down from Bethany and set out on his journey to the Temple.

2. Vast crowds gathered along the way as Jesus made his slow progress into Jerusalem. By the time he reached the Temple, it was packed with worshippers who had come to hear the great teacher’s words and learn from his interpretation of the law.

3. On the path from Bethany, Jesus had been calm and compassionate with all those who flocked around him, but his mood changed the moment he reached the entrance to the Temple.

4. The gentiles had set up a market in the courtyard, with stalls from which the Jews could buy small animals and birds that they would later offer as sacrifices in the Temple.

5. Jesus was unable to hide his anger.

6. He immediately began to turn over the tables where the money dealers exchanged any Roman coins for those of Tyre that bore no human image.


7. Jesus then made a heavy rope of twined cords, and began to drive out the animals from the Temple and release the doves and pigeons from their cages, saying: Take these things away; you shall not make my Father’s house a house of trade.

John 2:16

8. Judas did not approve of Jesus’ disruption of the daily worship because he knew that devout Jews could only carry out ritual practices in the Temple if trading was allowed in the courtyard.

9. Then one of the Elders asked Jesus: With what authority do you create this chaos?

10. Jesus answered: Destroy the Temple and in three days I shall raise it up.

11. The Elders responded: But it has taken forty-six years to build. How can you hope to raise it again in three days?

John 2:18–20

12. Judas realized that the Master was referring to the promise that after his death, he would rise again in three days; something that he was still unable to accept.

13. Judas stared at the man he loved, and reflected on John the Baptist’s words: Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?

Matt 11:3;