"So, you know how Reed was all standoffish?" She draws circles on the purple duvet cover with her finger. "Pulling the I want to be with you, but I can’t actually be with you crap.”

“I remember. But I thought you guys finally worked that out after the incident with Rapey McRoofie.”

“We did. The only reason I was even talking to that fuckwad was because I was mad at Reed for stringing me along. But after that night...Reed said it made him realize he couldn’t keep pushing me away. That he had to lay it all out there and let me decide whether or not we’d move forward.”

"And? Why was he so cagey in the first place? I didn't want to pry before, but since you're bringing it up..."

Ainsley gets a wistful look on her face. “Well, it turns out Reed’s behavior was less about the whole bro code thing and more about being afraid he’d scare me off.”


“Because he had it in his head that I’m the type of girl who prefers pretty ordinary sex. Especially with my lack of experience, he assumed I would think he’s a freak or something and never look at him the same way again.”

I frown in confusion. “Why would you think he’s a freak?”

She wrings her hands together. “Because Reed Prescott has very particular...tastes in bed. He likes to do some pretty kinky shit.”

My eyes widen. “What?! Are you sure we’re talking about the same Reed? He’s so reserved.”

“Not always. And definitely not in bed. Damn, the things that boy can do with his tongue.”

“We’ll get back to the tongue thing. I want to know about the kinks. You can’t leave me hanging like that. Tell me all the dirty, dirty deets.”

She laughs. “For one, he’s really into spanking. Like, bend you over his knee and redden your bare ass kind of spanking.”

A surprised laugh escapes my lips. “Are you shitting me?”

“Not even a little.”

“Whoa. It’s always the quiet ones.” I make an exaggerated spanking motion in the air. “How do you feel about that? Have you let him smack that ass yet?”

Ainsley bites her lip and blushes. "Uh-huh."

“Shut. Up!” I give her a playful shove. “And you liked it?”

“I didn’t think I would at first, but I really, really do.”

“Did it hurt?”

“A little,” she admits. “But it’s really brief. He does this thing where he rubs the spot right afterward, which takes the sting away. And then he rubs other spots. It’s actually pretty freakin’ awesome.”

“Well, hot damn. Who knew you were such a fiend?”

“Oh, shut up.” Ainsley rolls her eyes. “You’ve never done anything kinky like that before?”

Do three-ways with my boyfriend’s bestie count?

I shrug. “I’ve never tried spanking before, but I have done other stuff.”

She lifts an eyebrow. “Like?”

“Um...didn’t you say you never wanted to hear about your brother’s sex life?”

Ainsley scrunches her nose. “Ew, no. Forget I asked.”

I wiggle around until I find a more comfortable position. “What’s the other thing? You said, ‘for one’ which leads me to believe there’s more than one freak in Reed Prescott’s closet.”

Now her face is really red. “Aaaand...he’s super into butt stuff. Like, he’d want to stick his D up my ass, and not just on special occasions.”