“Okay, there’s not a dude alive who’d turn down anal—at least not any I know—but how do you feel about that?”

“I told him I was definitely open to exploring, which shocked the shit out of him. God, you should’ve seen his face when I told him I wanted to experiment a little.” Ainsley giggles. “We’ve done some stuff...with you know, his finger...and I can’t say I hated it. He even licked me down there, which I thought would be weird, but it felt incredible. Like, oh my sweet baby Jesus incredible.”

I wag my eyebrows. “Get it, girl. Looks like you’ve landed yourself a man with a bit of an ass fetish.”

“Holy crap, I never thought of it like that, but he totally has an ass fetish.” She laughs so hard, her eyes are filling with tears. “I may not have much in the boob department, but good thing my ass is fantastic, right?”

“Your ass is spectacular, Ains.”

She smiles. “Have you ever done it?”


Ainsley nods.

“No...but I’ve experimented a little, too.”

"Do you think you'll ever want to? And please don't tell me if you do, because I know it'll be with my brother, but do you think it's strange that I'm inquisitive about it? After Reed told me what he likes, I've been watching some porn, you know, for like research, and it's pretty freakin’ hot. The thought of doing that with him turns me on.”

“I don’t think it’s weird at all,” I assure her. “I’ve thought about it a lot, and I’d totally be open to trying it. Besides, I always say whatever floats your boat in the bedroom is what’s right for you. As long as it’s consensual, who am I to judge what other people l

ike? Ya know?”

Ainsley nods. “I think that’s a great way to look at it.”

My phone buzzes, so I pull it out of my pocket and see a text from Kingston.

Kingston: You two almost ready? The guys are here, and we're waiting in the pool house.

“The guys are with Kingston,” I tell Ains before replying to her brother.

Me: Be down in a few.

Ainsley stands up and looks at her reflection in the mirror. “This shirt isn’t doing it for me. You go ahead. I’ll be right behind you.”

“You sure? I don’t mind waiting.”

“Positive.” Ainsley nods. “I’ll be like ten minutes, max.”

“Okay. See you down there.”

I head down the stairs while Ainsley changes and make my way toward the back of the house. When I round the last corner that will take me to the back yard, I crash into a wall, face first. Only it’s more of a solid chest than an actual wall.

“Jasmine. This is a nice surprise.” Kingston’s dad has his hands around my biceps. I think he was trying to steady me at first, but he’s making no effort to remove them.

“Uh...yeah, sure. I was just on my way to Kingston’s. If you’ll excuse me.”

“What’s the rush? Can’t spare a minute for your boyfriend’s old man?” He laughs breezily, but it contradicts the skeevy way he’s looking at me.

I eye his grabby hands pointedly, but the dude doesn't get the hint until I take a step back. I swear his grip tightened for a second like he was about to pull me into him. It's unsettling being this close to Mr. Davenport, knowing what a despicable person he truly is. It's even worse than being around my sperm donor because at least Charles doesn't look at me like he's picturing me naked. Kingston's dad, not so much.

“I didn’t realize you were back in LA. Weren’t you supposed to return tomorrow?”

He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he’s perving on me. Gross. “Keeping track of my schedule, are you? I’m flattered.”

“What?! No...I, uh...Ainsley mentioned you were out of town and due back tomorrow. That’s all.”

Mr. Davenport assesses me carefully. I tell myself to play it cool; don’t let this asshole get to me. That’s easier said than done when Kingston looks so much like his dad. It freaks me out. Even worse, they have the exact same eyes.