Peyton’s fists are clenched so hard, I wouldn’t be surprised if her palms have little bloody crescent marks on them. “I said, no! I have no questions.”

A huge smile stretches across Ainsley’s face. “Do you believe they have some power now?”

I’m still staring in awe as Kingston prowls in my direction, his gaze never leaving mine. When he reaches the table, he extends his hand, helping me up from the cha


Kingston gets a wicked smile on his face and leans into my ear. “Remember that thing we were talking about doing in the janitor’s closet? We should go do that now.”

If my panties weren’t already soaked from Kingston’s ruthless display of authority earlier, they would be with that visual.

I start walking backward out of the room, tugging him with me. “Whatever you say, your highness.”

Now Kingston’s pulling on my hand, and I have to run to keep up with him, laughing the entire way.



The last three weeks have been freakishly uneventful as we've all fallen into a routine of sorts. At school, not a single person has messed with me, verbally or otherwise, which I have to admit, is as odd as it is refreshing. After Kingston's showdown in the dining hall, Peyton and her groupies haven't stepped into that room. I don't know where they're eating lunch, but then again, I don't really care. I'm guessing Peyton and Lucas figured it was their best way of saving face without incurring Kingston's wrath.

After school, the boys and I have been reviewing surveillance footage while Ainsley's at ballet, but neither Kingston's father or mine have given us anything we didn't already know. It probably doesn't help that they've been out of town even more than usual. Given how rarely they were around before, that's saying a lot. After Ainsley's done with rehearsal, the five of us usually get dinner together and hang out. On Sundays, Ainsley has become a regular addition to Belle's outings, which my sister has loved. I think Kingston may be getting a little salty because Belle seems to adore his twin more than she does him.

Speaking of Kingston...things between us have been incredible. Not only is the sex mind-blowing every single time, but even outside of the bedroom, he's so affectionate and thoughtful, I can hardly believe he's the same person I met a few months ago. Plus, ever since that night at Bentley's house, the absence of tension between Kingston and Bent continues. Who would've ever thought the solution to their problem would be getting naked with me? Thankfully, Bentley has stayed true to his word, never once bringing up that night. It's bizarre to think it even happened with how quickly things went back to normal. It almost feels like a dream.

As frustrated as I am about not making progress in the situation with our fathers, everything else has been so great that I've been happy more often than not, for the first time since losing my mom. A part of me can't help but wonder when the other shoe will drop, though. It's almost been too peaceful.

We have the next week off for Thanksgiving break, and tonight, that means the students at Windsor are celebrating. The five of us haven't been to a party since Peyton's birthday, so in the interest of acting normal as Kingston's P.I. had suggested, we'll be rectifying that tonight. The party is at some girl named Chantel's house, which Ainsley assures me is neutral territory. As a bonus, she lives right on the beach in Malibu, so if I'm lucky, maybe I'll get to take a moonlight stroll with my sexy boyfriend and roll around in the sand a bit.

“Girl, you look fuckhot.” Ainsley runs the straightening brush through the last section of my hair. “Every guy at that party will want to put their babies in you tonight.”

I laugh, taking in my high-waisted faux leather leggings and red off the shoulder crop top. My dark hair is pin-straight, my eyes are smoky, and my feet are covered in a pair of black studded booties. Okay, I guess I can admit I do look pretty badass.

“Uh, no thanks. I don’t want any guy putting a baby in me anytime soon, not even your brother.”

Her lips curve. “But you two make such cute parents. Belle’s lucky to have you.”

I roll my eyes. “You know, we’re going to stop inviting you to our Sunday outings if you don’t lay off the old married couple jokes.”

“Whatever, bitch, you love having me there just as much as I love being there.” She adjusts her breasts, pushing them up a bit in her halter top. “How do my boobs look?”

I give Ainsley a good once over. “Hot. So, you think tonight’s the night you and Reed finally do the dirty, huh?”

She groans. “It’d better be. I’m sick of all the foreplay that never leads to his P in my V. I’m pretty sure my hymen’s about to grow back.”

My lips twitch. “Thanks for that visual.”

Ainsley disappears into her walk-in closet for a moment and comes out wearing a new top. This one has a scoop neckline and is flowier. "Please. You have zero room to talk. You and Kingston have taken PDA to a whole new level. You're legit approaching exhibitionist territory."

I make a face. “Uh, I can assure you, that’ll never happen. I’ll never judge anyone for their kinks, but I’d prefer to keep my sex life private, thank you very much.”

"Speaking of..." Ainsley blushes. "I have to tell you something because I really need to talk about it, but you have to promise you won’t say a word to my brother.”

I sit on the edge of Ainsley's bed. "Well, now, I'm intrigued."

She crawls onto the mattress beside me, tucking her legs beneath her. “I mean it, Jazz.”

I mime buttoning my lips. “My lips are sealed. What’s the big secret?”