It’s a good one.

And I can’t wait to share it with Brent.

If all goes as planned and his issues are resolved, I can for sure declare, “Chocolate Resolve for the win.”


Aubrey Has an Idea


When I arrive home from my skate, Aubrey is not home. With nothing to do, I make a sandwich for lunch.

I then watch a little TV.

But still, like always these days, my attention is for shit.

Sighing, I turn the flat-screen off and head upstairs.

Since I’m a little grimy from skating, I shower and throw on a clean pair of jeans, along with a long-sleeved navy pullover.

I mess around in the bedroom for a while, just checking shit on my phone, trying to pass the time until Aubrey returns. I have no idea where she could be. The afternoon is long gone. It’s even getting dark outside.

I guess cake tasting went much longer than expected?

Or maybe Aubrey’s finally had it with my distant attitude and has decided to blow me off.

I wouldn’t blame her.

Shit, it’s yet another reminder that I need to get my head straightened out.

I know that.

That’s why I’ve been trying.

But why does nothing work?

Even skating hasn’t helped.

I blow out a breath.

So what’s the next step?

“Maybe I need therapy,” I mutter aloud.

Hey, I’m not ruling it out.

Ready and willing to do whatever it takes to get my life back on track, I make my way downstairs.

That’s when Aubrey finally returns.

“Hey, Brent,” she calls up to me cheerfully from the entry hall.

I’m glad she’s in a good mood. Maybe it’s okay that I didn’t attend the cake tasting.

Hoping to keep Aubrey happy, I rush to the bottom of the stairs, where I gather her up in my arms and give her a big hug.

“I love you so much,” I murmur into her hair. “I feel so crappy about being distant lately. I’m working on it, babe. I swear that I am.”