“I know, Brent.” Pulling back, Aubrey touches my stubbled cheek. “I believe you.”

I then confide in her, “I’m willing to try therapy. I decided that right before you came home. Whatever it takes, I’m willing.”

“Ahh, that may not be necessary,” she says, hedging.

“Huh? What do you mean that it may not be necessary?”

Peering up at me lovingly, Aubrey’s heart bared in her pretty turquoise eyes, she says, “Do you have some free time right now? If so, I have an idea. An idea that may resolve all of our problems.”

Shit, I’m already in before I open my mouth.

Tucking a strand of Aubrey’s shiny raven locks behind her ear, I cup her cheek gently and tell her, “For you, sweetheart, yes, I always have time. So tell me. What do you have in mind?”

Aubrey is positively beaming now.

What is she up to?

I’m dying to know.

Bouncing on her toes, she says, “Great. So where are your skates?”

“Huh? Why do I need those?”

Boy, am I ever confused.

Aubrey asked me to trust her, though, and that I can do.

“My skates are still in the car,” I reply. “But I am super curious as to why I need them.”

Smiling, Aubrey tsks, “Uh-uh-uh, no giving away my surprise. Not just yet, anyway. All you need to know at this point is you need your skates. I’ll actually need mine too.”

“All right…”

I’m more stumped than ever, but I can’t say I’m not intrigued.

“I think your skates are in the closet by the laundry room,” I let her know.

She nods. “Yeah, that sounds right. I remember tossing them in there after the last time we went skating.” Grabbing my hand, she says, “Come on. Let’s go get ’em. We’ll take your car since your skates are already in there. But hurry, Brent, we have somewhere we need to be.”

I have no idea what Aubrey is up to, but I trust her completely. I’ll go anywhere with her, even to the ends of the earth. I love her that fucking much.

So when she pulls me down the hall, I let her.

And when she tells me to grab her skates from the closet, I do.

Finally, we get in the car, where Aubrey asks me to drive down to the training facility where I was just earlier.

“You got it,” I say. “Your wish is my command.”

Aubrey laughs. “Hmm, I think I like this compliant Brent.”

Now it’s my turn to smile, and raise a brow. “Funny, that’s not what you tell me when we’re in bed, Aubrey.”

“Ah, but we’re not in bed, are we, Brent? However, we may be soon if this all goes as planned.”

Shit, I hope like hell that whatever it is we’re doing, it’s a raging success.

One last time, though, I have to press, “Come on. Fess up. What are you up to, Aubs?”