"Shhhh....go to sleep. It's just Nikki. I'll be right back."

I left Ainsley and went down the hall to deal with Nikki. As soon as she was asleep, I made my way back to my bedroom. Opening the door, I found Ainsley sitting on the edge of the bed, fully dressed.

"Ainsley, is everything okay?" I swallowed hard as I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her arms. As soon as I touched her, she was flooded with emotion. "Perhaps, this was not a wise choice." Her voice was thick with emotion.

"DAAAAADDDDDYYYY," Nikki cried out again from the other room.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath. "Give me a minute." She turned and looked at me, her large brown eyes watery. "Please. Don't go anywhere."

Ten minutes later, Nikki was asleep, and I could finally return to the bedroom, to Ainsley. She still sat in the same spot, her back to me. I shut the door behind me. "Now, onto you." I walked over and kneeled between her legs. "What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?" I asked, brushing a loose strand of hair from my face.

"It's just…we shouldn't have," she said, glancing back to the bed. "What if my father finds out?"

I looked at her and chuckled. "This...what went on here tonight, is our little secret. If you want it to stop, it stops," I said, leaning to kiss her. "If you want it to continue, then it continues. You say that word, babygirl. You’re in control here."

She studied my face, my eyes, my lips, and slowly she leaned in and kissed me, slowly at first, and then with a little more passion.

"I take it that is a yes."

She nodded her head and smiled at me, wrapping her arms around my neck.



I watched from my bedroom window as Spencer came walking up the walkway to our front door, carrying a box of beer and what appeared to be a bottle of wine.

"Carly, I’ve got to go."

"No fair, I wanted to hear more about RomanticAlpha42. You haven't spoken about him all week."

"There is nothing to tell, to be honest. The fizzle wore out," I lied as I heard the doorbell ring and heard my father's voice.

"That's too bad. I was seriously hoping for some Spencer stories."

"Sure, you were, but considering it wasn’t Spencer, I don’t have any stories,” I lied. “I'll call you later okay."

I hung up the phone and made my way downstairs. "Smells good, Dad," I said, stepping into the kitchen and coming face to face with Spencer. He smiled softly at me.

"Thanks. Roast beef tonight. I invited Spencer to join us for dinner."

"Very nice," I said, looking over at him, my cheeks heating as his eyes ran over me.

I walked over to the cupboard as Dad and Spencer continued their conversation. I was about to reach for a water glass when I heard Spencer clear his throat. "I brought a bottle of wine for you, Ainsley."

"Thank you." I reached for the wine bottle and opened it, pouring myself a glass.

"Shit, I forgot to get something from the car. I'll be right back."

I watched after my father as he left the room. Seconds later, I felt Spencer's hands on my arms and his lips at the back of my neck. I turned to meet his lips, and that was when the front door crashed. He pulled away from me, letting out a low, frustrated growl, and tore the wine bottle from my hand and began shoving the cork back in the top.

"Forgot dessert," Dad said, ignoring us both and opening the fridge to put dessert inside.

"How's things going with that chick?" Spencer asked my father as he sat back down, not taking his eyes from me.

"Great, we have another date next week. Really, I don't know what took me so long to sign up."

"What about you, Spence, how are things? You find anyone yet?" Dad asked while tending to the roast in the oven.