Spencer cleared his throat and looked over to where I stood, watching me as he brought his beer bottle to his lips. "Um, I have. She is amazing, but I don't want to jinx it."

I felt the flush on my cheeks as he looked over at me.

"That is great, Spencer, really. You'll have to show me a picture of her. Perhaps a double date."

I picked up my cell phone and quickly typed out a message and hit send, Spencer's phone going off a second later. "I don't have one on me right now. Perhaps later," he lied as he typed a reply on his phone.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and noticed a message from RomanticAlpha42 on my screen. I clicked it open and sucked in a full breath.

RomanticAlpha42: Can't wait to lick that sweet pussy later.

"Ainsley, everything okay?" Dad asked, taking a drink of his beer.

"What...Yep! Just Carly," I lied, taking a drink of my wine and quickly typing out a message. Spencer's phone went off almost immediately. I had to get out of the kitchen before Dad caught on. "I'll be in my room," I murmured, taking my wine with me.

I stood behind my father as he rambled on to Spencer about Kate, the woman he had been seeing, and watched Spencer read the message I had sent. As soon as he replied, my phone went off again, and I took off down the hall, pulling my phone out of my pocket as soon as I got into my room.

RomanticAlpha42: My place tonight, after your father has gone to bed. I'll make sure he is good and drunk by the time I leave. You've got nothing to worry about!

I smiled to myself and typed out a response, agreeing to meet him. I quickly called Carly back then threw my phone down on my bed, grabbed my wine, and returned to join Dad and Spencer.

About SL

S.L. Sterling had been an avid reader since she was a child, often found getting lost in books. Today if she isn’t writing or plotting, she can be found buried in a romance novel. S.L. Sterling lives with her husband and dogs in Northern Ontario.

Visit her at www.authorslsterling.com

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Hollywood Valentine

A Let Me In Series Short Story

Jessica Marin

Hollywood actor Cal Harrington is on a mission to make his first Valentine’s Day with the love of his life, Jenna Pruitt, special and over-the-top. Except Jenna is not a glitz and glamour kind of girl.

When Cal’s extensive plans blow up in their face, Jenna shows him all she wants for Valentine’s Day is him… naked in her bed.



I look around the living room, a satisfied smile playing on my lips as I survey what’s in front of me. Numerous floral arrangements in all shapes and sizes are strategically placed around our living and dining room. Colors of white, light pink, hot pink, and red, illuminate our apartment, making the air smell sweet and floral. Today is Valentine’s Day-my first one with the love of my life, Jenna, and I’m determined to make it an incredible day for her.

I flew in from my latest movie set two days ago and the jet-lag has rendered me worthless. Fortunately, I’m nearing the end of shooting my scenes and will get to come home soon. Jenna will be visiting me in Thailand during my last week there. We try not to be apart for more than two weeks, but even that can be tricky to maneuver with our schedules. Being separated has been rough on us, but I feel we’re becoming stronger as a couple as we learn to cope with our time apart.

I wish this visit could’ve been a surprise, but with her busy work schedule, I needed to make sure she was going to get adequate time off. She runs her own corporate event planning business and Valentine’s Day is one of their busiest da

ys. She has two large parties to set up for and she promised to be done by late afternoon.

She can bet that hot ass of hers I’ll be holding her to that promise.

“Wow, are these all for mommy?” Avery, our five-year-old daughter, asks as she walks toward me from her bedroom and places her small hand in mine. I look down and smile at her look of wonder while she gazes around the room. I still can’t believe I have a daughter, and the fact that people tried to lead me to believe she didn’t exist, still makes me seethe with anger to this very day. I swallow down the lump of emotions every time I stare at her, the thought of me almost not being in her life still raw and painful. Fate had other plans and thankfully, both Avery and her mother are now permanently in my life.

“All but three are for your mommy. Whatever three you can carry are yours,” I tell her and chuckle when she squeals with delight.

“You’re the bestest daddy ever!” she says as she throws her little arms around my waist and attempts to squeeze me in a hug. I get down on my knees to be at her level and embrace her tightly, breathing in her sweet shampoo while I kiss her head. Hearing her call me daddy in that cute, tiny voice of hers is the best fucking thing in the world. I start to nuzzle my nose in the crook of her neck, her giggles traveling straight to my heart and filling it with even more love. She wiggles her way out of my arms and walks over to inspect the flowers.