Page 54 of Treacherous

“It isn’t now, and it never will be, any of your business who I fuck, Tiffany. I don’t hit women, but I’m sure I can find a girl here who you’ve done wrong who will gladly do it for me. I suggest you mind your own business, and while you’re at it, leave Rylee the fuck alone.”

She looks at Rylee again. “You don’t honestly think he actually wants you, do you?” She laughs sinisterly. “He’s only with you because of that video and he knows you’ll be an easy lay.”

I’m about to open my mouth and lay into her, when Rylee places her hand on my arm. She appears beside me, and I’m surprised at the serene smile tipping up her lips.

“I think someone might be jealous that I’ve got the guy and she doesn’t. You worried I might be better than you?”

Tiffany’s lips twist into a nasty sneer. “I’ve had him, bitch, and believe me, he’ll come back for more after he’s done with your ass.”

I bark out a laugh. “You’ve had my dick in your mouth and your teeth scraped half of the skin off. Twice. I wouldn’t count on a third time.”

She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “You loved my mouth. You just don’t want to admit it in front of her.”

“Hate to break it to you, but most men aren’t into pain when they’re having their dick sucked. Might want to use a mouth guard for the next unfortunate soul.”

A few people break out into laughter, and Tiffany’s cheeks heat in embarrassment. If she wasn’t such a bitch, I might feel remorse for being an asshole, but she’s treated Rylee worse. All of my fucks have been spent when it comes to Tiffany.

With a huff and a glare tossed Rylee’s way, she spins around on her heel and stomps off, her band of followers trailing behind her.

“Shit,” Rylee mutters beside me. “She’s going to be out for blood now.”

I throw my arm over her shoulder and steer her toward our first class. “Fuck Tiffany.”

“Yeah, I bet she’d just love that.”

“Probably, but my dick isn’t going anywhere near her again.”

She brushes some hair off her face and looks up at me. “Did she….” She looks down in the vicinity of my dick and quickly looks back up. “Did you really let her suck you off?”

I stop her right outside the classroom door. “Yes, but she was just a convenience.”

Her gaze moves to my neck and she clears her throat. “Is that what I am?”

I tip her head back up so I can see her eyes. “

What do you think?”

“I don’t know,” she admits quietly, nibbling on her bottom lip. “I don’t want to think so, but I don’t know.”

“I guess I’ll have to prove to you you’re more than that.”

“Holy hell, Rylee,” Charles says, coming to a stop beside us. His gaze moves to me. “Oh, hey, Zayden.”

I tip my chin. “Charles. How’s it going?”

“Better now that I heard what you said to Tiffany.” His lips twitch, giving away his mirth.

“It was nothing more than she deserved,” I respond truthfully. “I need a favor.”

“What’s up?”

“If Rylee isn’t in class or with me, stay with her.”

“Zayden, I don’t—” Rylee tries to protest, but I talk over her.

“Tiffany’s pride has been hurt. She might try to retaliate against Rylee.”

He nods. “Got it.”