Page 55 of Treacherous

I turn to Rylee and find her lips pressed into a firm line. “I’m not afraid of Tiffany.”

“I know, but for my peace of mind, I’d prefer if Charles or I were with you until we know for sure if she’s planning anything. Tiffany can be a crazy bitch if provoked.”

She doesn’t like it—I can see it in her eyes—but she appeases me anyway. “Fine.”

“I’m heading in. Sit with me in the back?”

After she nods, I press a quick kiss to her lips, ignoring Charles’ pleased grin as I walk through the door.

“SO, IT’S LIKE THAT, HUH?” Oliver asks as I walk toward him, wiping the grease from my hands. I’ve been expecting this conversation; I’m just surprised he waited until I was at work and didn’t try to confront me at school. Of course, that may have been because he hasn’t had the opportunity since we’ve either been in class or I’ve been with Rylee.

I stuff the rag back in my pocket.

“I saw the two of you all cozied up at lunch,” he continues. “Trading in your best friend for a girl?”

“That’s entirely up to my best friend. Is he going to make me choose between the two?”

He shoves his hands into his pockets and works his jaw back and forth. “You had to pick the worst fucking girl in school, knowing how much I can’t stand her. You even hated her yourself.”

“I didn’t know her.”

“And now you do? After what? Spending only a few hours with her?”

I blow out a breath. “If you spent half the time getting to know her that you’ve spent trying to ruin her life, you’d know she’s a good person, Oliver. Just because your dad married her mom so soon after divorcing your mom doesn’t make her deceitful or your enemy.”

“No, but it makes her a homewrecker,” he snarls, anger making his face turn red.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Rylee had nothing to do with your parents divorcing.”

He lets out a harsh laugh. “Her mother sure did. How am I supposed to get along with the daughter of the woman who had a hand in my parent’s marriage ending?” He turns away and rips his hands through his hair before he spins back around. “You know what? Just forget it. It doesn’t matter. You really want her, be my fucking guest, but don’t expect her and me to become best friends. Unlike you, I refuse to let her ruin a ten-year friendship.”

He turns away, walking toward his car.

“No more tricks, Oliver, and no more bullshit.” I take a couple of steps after him. “I get that for whatever reason you don’t like her. I love you like a brother, and I’d do damn near anything for you, but she’s off limits. That includes anything that Tiffany may come up with.” Oliver stops and turns back around, facing me.

“I told you before, I didn’t give that video to Tiffany,” he says heatedly.

“And I believe you. I’m just giving you fair warning.”

His eyes narrow, but he delivers a tight nod before getting into his car. I stuff my hands into my pockets and watch as he speeds off.

From the first moment Oliver and I became friends, we’ve been tight. We’ve had the typical fights all boys go through over the years, but nothing that lasted more than a day or two. A couple of weeks ago, I would have never believed that a girl would come between us, but a couple of weeks ago Rylee wasn’t a factor. I can’t get the girl out of my fucking mind, and I’m not really sure I want to try. I hate that there’s this now rift between us, but I’m sure he’ll get over his beef, eventually. Once he sees her for the person she is and not the person he thinks she is.

Benny gives me a questioning look when I walk back into the garage, no doubt sensing the tension radiating off me. I give him a chin lift, silently letting him know everything’s fine, and go back to the Mustang I’m working on.


“WELL, I SEE YOU survived,” Savannah says the second I open the door to find her standing on my front porch.

“V!” I waste no time wrapping my arms around her neck and pulling her into a tight hug, despite the multiple bags she’s currently weighed down with.

I knew I missed my best friend, but I don’t think I realized just how much until now. Pulling back, I let my gaze settle on her—taking in her light blonde hair that’s now streaked with dark blonde highlights and appears to have been cut since the last time I saw her. It used to hang halfway down her back but now barely brushes her shoulders. It looks good on her—then again, I think Savannah could pull off a buzz cut and still look beautiful.

She’s one of those naturally stunning girls. With her piercing green eyes and bright white smile, V is the kind of girl every other girl wishes she looked like. Unfortunately, she’s never seen it this way. Body image is something she’s struggled with since Junior High—despite the fact that she’s off the charts on the hot scale.

“I see someone has missed me.” She smiles, holding up the bags. “Mind helping me out here.”

“Oh yeah, sorry.” I laugh, immediately reaching for a couple of the bags before stepping to the side and gesturing for her to come in.