He moves to leave the room but stops in the doorway and turns back around. A vein in his neck is throbbing.

“I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.”

His words are light, but the look in his eyes is threatening. There’s no way I’m getting out of having the conversation I’ve been dreading since I made the decision to come to Malus. I have no doubt he would drag me downstairs if I even attempted to put it off. I’d rather get it over with anyway.

“I’ll be down once I get her settled in. She’ll probably sleep until morning.”

He jerks his chin up. The harsh look fades from his face when he looks at Maisy.

“Goodnight, Maisy. I’ll see you in the morning.”

I send up a silent thank-you to God when his words bring a slight smile to her face. She doesn’t smile near as much as she used to.

“Goodnight…, Judge,” she replies quietly.

Something strange passes over his face, but before I can analyze it, he’s gently shutting the door. Pulling in a shaky breath, I plaster on a smile before turning to Maisy.

“Come on, let’s get you ready for bed.”

I GRUDGINGLY WALK DOWN the stairs. Nervous jitters almost have me stumbling. I grab on to the railing just in case I decide to take a tumble. I’m on edge because I know Judge is about to let me have it. I had my reason for doing what I did, but I have no qualms believing Judge isn’t in the slightest bit happy about it. He’ll just have to get over his snit.

That’s what I tell myself anyway.

He’s waiting for me in the living room, a glass of dark liquid in his hand. Something tells me it’s much stronger than tea. He’s facing the window that looks out into the backyard. I know he hears my approach, and I can see his eyes in the reflection track my movements, but he doesn’t turn around. I walk to the bar, where a bottle of brandy is sitting, and use the spare glass sitting beside it to pour myself some. I wonder if he put it there for me and what that says if he did. Does he know this is hard on me? Or did he leave a glass because of the explosion he’s about to release? Either way, I need the alcohol for courage.

It’s very rare that I drink, so the liquid burns going down my throat, and I cough to catch my breath.

Judge still doesn’t turn around, just watches my reflection. I decide to keep quiet and let him be the one to break the silence. Five minutes pass, and he still doesn’t say anything. Anxiety becomes my companion as I wait.

I’m about ready to break when the front door opens and Declan walks in. He stops with the door halfway closed, his eyes going from me to Judge. After a moment, he finishes closing the door and carries the bags into the kitchen.

“You okay?” he asks quietly from across the bar as he pulls stuff out of the bags.

My eyes slide to Judge over the bar, then back to Declan.


Declan knows of Judge and my past. Every sordid detail. In the beginning, he was pissed over what Judge did, but over time, and once Maisy got sick, he thought it best I tell Judge about her. He was still angry, but thought Judge had a right to know. I refused, my anger and the pain of what he did too strong. Judge did have a right to know about Maisy, but he didn’t deserve it. I almost lost my own life, not to mention Maisy’s, because of his actions.

“Maisy lying down?”

I nod and pour another glass of brandy. This one isn’t as harsh as the first, and I manage to get it down without hacking up my intestines.

“I’m going to leave you two alone and head up to my room to catch up on some work.” He comes around the bar to stand beside me. “Let me know if you need me.”

“Thanks, Uncle Declan.”

His big hand goes to the back of my head and he pulls me forward to place a kiss on my forehead. Declan has done so much for Maisy and me. I have no idea where we’d be if it wasn’t for him.

“You’re doing the right thing. Even if Maisy’s life didn’t depend on it

.” I give him a watery half-smile. “Night, Ellie.”

I watch him walk away, stopping by Judge long enough to find out which room he’s using. It turns quiet again, the only sound the ticking of the clock on the wall.

“You going to explain why in the fuck you didn’t tell me I have a daughter?” he finally asks.

I flinch at his sharp tone. When he turns to face me, I almost recoil at the hatred in his eyes.