“Do you think he’ll like me?”

My throat tightens. I’ve never kept her father’s identity from her. I wanted her to know where she came from. My only regret was I didn’t have more pictures of him to give her. My phone was destroyed the night he so ruthlessly kicked me out of his apartment, and I had no way of recovering the lost images. I tried looking him up on Facebook once, but I guess he doesn’t have an account. The only reason I have the one picture I gave Maisy is because I sent it to my email after taking it. I had wanted to have it framed.

Reaching over, I run my knuckles down Maisy’s cheek. “I have no doubt he’ll love you. He’d be crazy not to.”

Her eyes fall away, and she plays with a grape in her bowl. “Maybe he won’t want me because I’m sick.”

I want to br

eak down and scream at God for making this child doubt her worth. She has no clue how special she is. I’ve had my reasons for not telling Judge about Maisy. There’ve been many times I almost came to Malus to tell him but remembering that night twelve years ago held me back. I’m afraid it was a mistake I’ll regret for the rest of my life.

“Baby.” I lift her head by her chin. Tears glisten in her eyes and the look sends shards of pain stabbing at my chest. “I promise you, that won’t stop him from loving you.”

She nods, but I still see the doubt in her eyes. I’ll kick Judge’s ass if he doesn’t make her feel loved and wanted. I don’t care if he has to pretend like he did with me.

He walks into the dining room with two bowls, steam billowing up from them both. He sets one down in front of Maisy, and I’m mildly surprised when he places one in front of me.

“Be careful. It’s hot,” he warns when Maisy picks up her spoon.

He leaves, then returns with a third bowl and sits down in the chair to Maisy’s right, across from me. He doesn’t eat though, his eyes focused on Maisy. I watch several emotions cross his face. The two that stick out the most are anger and affection. The anger pisses me off. Not that I think it’s directed toward Maisy, but he still shouldn’t be looking at her with that emotion displayed on his face.

It’s the affection that gives me hope.

“Do you remember Trouble?” Judge asks, breaking into my thoughts.

I think back to twelve years ago and the three men Judge considered brothers. From my understanding, the four had plans to move to Malus. Of course, this was when it was called Sweet Haven.


“I’d like to have Maisy’s medical records sent to his office so he can look them over.”

I contemplate his request. Back then, Trouble had just gotten his medical license, so I know he’s a doctor. I never knew him that well, but Judge had always trusted him. It wouldn’t hurt to have him look over her medical history.

“That’s fine. I can have her doctor send them over tomorrow.”

He nods, his jaw still tight, and picks up his fork. I start on my own food. It’s good, and I haven’t eaten since this morning, so before I realize it, my bowl is empty. Unfortunately, Maisy only manages to eat a quarter of hers before she pushes her bowl back. Judge looks at it, a crease forming between his brows.

“She doesn’t have much of an appetite these days. And sometimes when she does, she can’t hold food down,” I explain.

He looks like he wants to ask more, but he doesn’t. There’s a lot he doesn’t know, and I wonder if he refrained from asking because he wants to do it away from Maisy, or he’s trying to keep himself isolated from the situation as much as possible. I’m leaning toward the former.

“Can I lay down now?” Maisy asks through a yawn. Her eyes dart to Judge, just as they’ve been doing off and on since he came into the room. I know she’s curious about him and would like to spend time with him, but her fatigue is getting the best of her.

“Yeah, baby,” I answer and come to my feet. “I’ll grab your bag.”

I turn to Judge, about to ask him what room we can use, but he’s already on his feet, mine and Maisy’s bag in his hand.

“I’ll show you to your room.”

We follow him up a set of stairs and stop at a door down the hallway. He points to the next door over. “That’s my room if you need anything tonight. There’s a room at the opposite end of the hall that’ll be your uncle’s room.”

He opens the door and lets us pass by him. I get a whiff of his woodsy cologne and the memories the scent conjures have an ache forming in my chest. He must still use the same brand he used years ago.

Setting the bag down on the end of the bed, he stuffs his hands into his pockets and turns to face us. He gestures to another door with his chin. “You have your own bathroom.”

His eyes move to Maisy for a moment before shifting to me. “Is there anything you need before I go?”

“No, thank you.”