I laugh. “That still might happen, you know.”

“I hope you’re ready to run then.”

We enter the living room, which seems to be the main gathering place. Several people sit on the couch while others stand and chat. A few people even use the clear middle space for dancing.

Jace guides me to a corner area and positions me so my back is to his front. I smile even though he can’t see—but this, this is nice. I never thought I’d feel content in a relationship again, but with the Jace the fear of heartbreak barely even registers, because this feels so right.

“Hey, Nova!” a male voice calls over to me.

I look around and my eyes land on a guy dressed as Green Arrow. “Joel! Hey!”

“Joel,” Jace growls, and I elbow him in the gut.

“Be nice,” I hiss.

Joel makes his way over to us from the foyer.

“I thought you were working,” Jace says, and I elbow him again. “Hey, quit that,” he whispers in my ear.

“Then be nice,” I reiterate.

“It was a question,” he mumbles innocently.

“I ended up being off,” Joel explains. “So, I wanted to swing by if I could. I love costume parties.”

“Hmm, interesting,” Jace comments.

“Cut it out,” I hiss, ready to elbow him again.

“Anyway,” Joel clears his throat, “I just wanted to say hi. I’m going to go get a drink. I … um … take it you two let your friends know you’re together?” He points to us where we stand cozily together.

I smile up at Jace. “Yeah, they know now,” I tell him.

Joel nods. “Good. That’s good.”

He turns and leaves, and I swear I hear Jace growl.

“What?” I look up at him and find that his lip is curled in a snarl.

“He still wants to fuck you, and it’s pissing me off.”

I laugh and step out of his embrace so I can face him. “He does not,” I argue.

“He does.” Jace nods. “I can tell. He needs to stop.”

I place my palm on his hard chest, feeling the planes of his muscle through the thin cotton. I lean up and brush my lips softly over his before I murmur, “I guess it’s a good thing you’re the only guy I want to see me naked.”

“Better be.” He places his hands on my waist, his fingers grazing my butt.

I stretch up on my tiptoes and kiss him. He kisses me back with fervor and I know he’s purposely trying to take it to X-rated levels so I quickly pull away and shake my head.

“Nice try,” I say.

He grins like a little kid who’s gotten caught with their hand stuck in the cookie jar.

The music changes and I tug on his hand. “Dance with me.”

“How is it we always end up dancing?” He chuckles.