Jace shrugs. “I just never got into it.”

Thea gapes at him. “Have you ever even seen Hocus Pocus?” He shakes his head. She clutches at her chest like an old lady would clutch her pearls. “Are you kidding me? I can’t believe I’m hearing this. This breaks my heart. You’re coming over and watching Hocus Pocus tomorrow, got it?”

“Halloween is over tomorrow,” he grumbles.

“Every day is Halloween where Hocus Pocus is concerned.”

“I have to work,” he mumbles weakly.

“You aren’t working all day, I’m not stupid.”

He sighs. “Fine. Nova’s coming too, then.”

“Hey,” I defend. “I have seen Hocus Pocus before.”

“Yeah, but—” He wraps an arm around me. “Since you’re kind of my girlfriend now you owe it to me to be there for moral support.”

Thea’s jaw drops. “What did you say?”

I glare at Jace, semi-pissed that he let that bomb drop but also surprised that he went through with telling them. I thought we’d get here and he’d change his mind and decide tonight wasn’t the best time to say something. Suddenly, I wonder if I’m now the one holding back in the relationship more.

“Nova and I are together,” he says.

“Oh, my God,” she squeals, clapping her hands together. “This is amazing. I always thought you two had amazing chemistry. It’s about damn time. Come on.” She reaches for my hand. “We have to tell the others.”

Jace’s arm drops from around me and he grabs my other hand as Thea pulls us through the house and to the kitchen. Xander’s sitting on one of the bar stools, dressed in black jeans, with a black t-shirt tucked into them, boots, and his black hair slicked back. He’s even shaved for the occasion. I can’t even recall a time where I’ve not seen Xander with some sort of scruff on his cheeks.

Cade stands beside him dressed in jeans, with a white button down shirt with a vest over that sports a gold and maroon crest and tie, with a long black cloak completing the ensemble. I realize belatedly that he’s dressed as a Harry Potter character—the wand in his hand helps.

Across the island, pouring a drink, is Rae dressed as a cute scarecrow with jeans, a plaid shirt, a straw hat, and her face painted to complete the look.

“None of them are in real costumes,” Jace defends.

“Yeah, but I like them more than I like you,” Thea jests, releasing her hold on me. “Guess what I just learned,” she says to our group. There are a few other people milling about in the kitchen, someone dressed as Batman, another as Wonder Woman, and I even spot someone dressed as Marty McFly from Back to the Future so props to them for being creative. “Guess,” she says again when they all just look at her.

Xander wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close to him. “That nobody loves Halloween as much as you?”

She smiles at him. “That might be true—but no.”

“Just tell us,” Rae says, leaning against the counter with a bottle of water clutched in her hand. “I hate guessing games. Nobody ever gets it right.”

Thea pouts slightly. “You guys ruin all my fun.” She shakes her head. “Anyway, I learned that our very own, self-proclaimed, single-for-life friends are dating. Each other—in case you didn’t get my implication.”

Cade chokes on his drink and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Dude, I … I’m shocked.”

“When did this happen?” Rae asks, her lips downturned. I can tell from her posture that she’s slightly hurt by this news. I don’t think she’s upset that Jace and I are together, but more that I didn’t tell her. I’ve never been all that good at talking to people, that’s why it’s always surprised me that it’s so effortless with Jace.

“Not long,” I mumble. I figure an ambiguous answer is the best route.

“So, yeah,” Jace says, looking at me with a smile. “That’s that.” Pointing at each of our friends he adds, “Don’t make this a big fucking deal, okay?”

“There goes my plans for a party,” Thea jokes. “Whatever will I do?”

“Come on.” Jace takes my hand and tugs me from the kitchen. “Let’s get away from these freaks.”

“We love you too,” Xander chortles, lifting his beer in the air as we leave.

Once out of earshot of our friends, Jace leans down to my ear. “That went better than I thought but I wanted to get out of there before they asked us to all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.”