Page 93 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

But at the end of class Isaac said the worst thing possible. . .

Isaac stopped looked around the hallway and then turned and looked at me.

I dropped my head and looked at the floor staring at his black combat boots. Slowly I brought my head up studying his outfit just to have something to look at besides his eyes. Tucked haphazardly into his boots was a pair of black ink wash jeans. A plain white t-shirt was somewhat tucked into his jeans and held there by a black studded belt. The ensemble was tied off with a dog tag hanging around his neck. Finally my eyes landed on his blue ones. He shook his head to get his dark hair out of his eyes.

I sucked in a breath anticipating what was coming.

“Where’s Jonathon?” He asked; swaying on the balls of his feet. I could feel my eyes beginning to water and had a fleeting thought of running to the nearest restroom.

“Oh, um. . . .” I racked my brain for anything. “He’s uh. . . Visiting family. . . Somewhere. I can’t really remember the name of the place.”

“Oh,” he said sounding disappointed as he began to walk again.

At lunch I sat down at our usual table with a clang. Diana, Danny, and Mason were already there. The empty seat next to me was a dreadful reminder of everything. Instead of eating my lunch I just picked at it while avoiding the pity gazes from Diana, Danny, and even Mason.

I got up to throw my uneaten lunch away.

“Are you okay?” Diana asked when I sat back down.

“No,” I said bluntly running my fingers through my hair as I thought of a plan of escape.

The bell rang and I hurried through the crowd.

“Wait! Kylie wait,” came Isaac’s voice.

“Uh oh,” I whispered under my breath. I turned around and saw him jogging to catch up to me. I looked around for a source of escape. Isaac was getting closer. I’d have to act now.

I dashed into a bathroom just as I heard him say, “Kylie wait. I’ll walk you to class.”

The door closed behind me and I let out a sigh of relief. I counted out two minutes in my head before opening the door.

There were a few people still in the hallway but luckily there was no sign of Isaac, Diana, Danny, or Mason.

I walked out of the bathroom at a hurried pace. I made it to the art hallway with no interruption. I turned down the hallway that led the art department. The exit was straight at the end.

But something I glimpsed from the corner of my eye made me stop. I turned and looked at it. I let out a gasp. The painting was of me and obviously painted by Jonathon. It looked like I was in an old building. The floor was covered in dirt and there I lay in it, matted in dirt and dried blood. From the look on my face I appeared to be dead. I put my hand to my mouth to stifle a sob.

I tore my gaze away from the painting and sprinted out the door just as the final warning bell rang. I got into my car and left the school without a backward glance.

But where would I go? I hadn’t planned what I would do if I managed to make it out of school. I hit my hand against the steering wheel in frustration. Where could I find Jonathon?

The only thought that came to my mind was his mother’s garden. The last lingering imprint of his mother’s life.

I resolved to try and find the garden. I seemed the most likely place to find Jonathon.

I drove around trying to remember how to get t

here. But seeing as when he had taken me there I had been on the back of the vespa I hadn’t exactly been looking for landmarks to lead me back to the place.

After three hours of no success I gave up and headed home. Diana was waiting outside for me and she looked livid.

Her arms were cross and her normally peacefully beautiful face was contorted in rage. I closed my car door, locked it, and turned to face what was to come.

“Where on Earth have you been?” asked Diana shaking with anger. I opened my mouth to answer but she stopped me.

“We’ve been worried sick! How could you just leave like that? Ditch school? How could you of all people be so reckless? We’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

“I’m sorry,” I said with my head down. And I really was genuinely sorry.