Page 92 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

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I didn’t think it was necessary but her offer warmed my heart. Obviously she was worried about me.

“Yeah come on,” I said sliding over to make room for her. She climbed in next to me.

We turned the lights off and settled in for the night. We both lay on our backs staring at the ceiling.

Out of the darkness her voice sounded. “Kylie, I really want you to know that you’ve become a sister to me. To all of us. Even Danny and Mason. We don’t want anything to happen to you. We all love you.”

“Don’t try and make me feel better.”

“I’m not. I’m just telling you the truth.”

“How could he leave me?” I whispered.

“I’m sure he has his reasons. He probably just needs to think things through. It’s quite a shock. I’ve never heard of anything like it.”

“So, you heard about me not wanting to be a vampire.”

“Yeah, we all did.”

“So, is it rare for one to refuse all of eternity beside their soul mate?”

“Rare? It’s unheard of. In all my years I’ve never heard of someone refusing to become a vampire once they’ve met their soul mate.”

“So, I’m the first case?”

“As far as I know yes you are.”

I rolled over to go to sleep. Hopefully.

I traced an ancient crack on the ceiling in my mind. I tried calming myself. I counted backwards and when that didn’t work I counted sheep. Diana seemed to sense my anxiety.

I finally fell asleep to her quiet peaceful humming.

It wasn’t until morning that I realized I hadn’t received a note.

Chapter Twenty-One: Searching

I moved through my morning routine without realizing what I was doing. Diana wanted to drive me to school but I insisted that I would be better off if I drove myself. But really I had a plan. A plan that needed to be put to action immediately and I would not let Diana or anyone else interfere with it.

I got into my BMW and was immediately comforted by the soft purr of the engine. I backed out of the complicated driveway carefully and started on my way to school. With a sudden jolt I realized I had not received one of Selena’s disturbing notes. I felt relieved but surprised. I had thought after her visit she would become more daring. I thought it was too much to hope for that she had gotten what she wanted and was done with me. I knew in the deepest pit of my heart that she wanted me dead and wouldn’t stop until I was.

The pain of Jonathon leaving last night was not completely gone but I did feel a little better. Better enough to think there was something suspicious about the whole thing. Jonathon leaving the way he did, Joseph and Diana comforting me, and then the strangest thing of all no note. I found it all very suspect. There was something going on here and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

When I told Jonathon about my decision I figured he’d be upset. But I hadn’t thought he’d be so drastic. I knew it would come as a shock and be something we would have to discuss further but how could he just leave? Jonathon was not a hot head so I couldn’t understand what made him so angry? Upset? Whatever it was it wasn’t normal for Jonathon.

Maybe the whole Selena thing had been eating at him and my decision was just the fuel to the already burning fire in his heart. After the conversation I overheard last night I knew that Jonathon had been aware of Selena the whole time. I couldn’t help but feel hurt that he didn’t want to kill her. I would have thought that with my safety in question he would have wanted to eliminate the problem. It’s all so confusing and unfair. But now is the time to focus on the plan.

My plan was to sneak out of school after lunch hopefully without anyone seeing me. Getting caught was not part of the plan.

I pulled into a parking space by the art department where I knew there was an exit without a camera. I got out and walked into the school. It was going to be a long morning.

My first class was awful. Looking at Jonathon’s empty seat was extremely painful. A sharp pain kept shooting across my chest and I sat through the entire class holding the stitch together. I couldn’t live like this. Now that I had found Jonathon I needed him like I needed air. It was such a cliché but it was the truth. He was the one for me. Without him I was incomplete. I felt like a part of my soul had been ripped away and I was slowly bleeding out.

My next class was a little better with Isaac.

Isaac could see that I was upset and he did his best to cheer me up. I was greatly relieved when he didn’t ask me why I was upset. At one point he nearly got me in trouble because he was making fun of Ms. Capet and I started laughing in the middle of a lecture on cells.