Page 81 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

“That sounds great,” I said just as the bell rang to dismiss us.

As per usual Jonathon was waiting outside the door for me. He was wearing a navy blue sweater and jeans. He looked perfect but he could wear a sack and look perfect in it.

“Bye Isaac. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I called over my shoulder.

“Yeah see ya.” He said as I grabbed Jonathon’s hand.

Even though most people ignored the Pulmer’s they all seemed to stare at Jonathon and me as we walked by. But if I didn’t know the Pulmer’s I would probably be intimidated by them too.

“Why are you going to see him tomorrow?” He asked.

“Because we have a biology project to work on. Why are you jealous?”

“No, of course not. Just curious as to what you’re going to do this weekend.”

“I hate to disappoint you but I can live without you,” I said. He looked down and grinned at me.

“Not likely,” he said opening the classroom door for me. The closing of the door signaled the end of our conversation.

The rest of the day went on as boring as the week had. But that wasn’t a surprise.

I waved goodbye to Isaac in the parking lot. “See you tomorrow at twelve.” He said waving.

“Yep, I’ll see you then,” I replied.

Jonathon opened the car door for me ever the gentleman. It was nice having him care about me this way. It wasn’t like he was trying to impress me it was just the way he was raised. “Thank you,” I said.

“Yes, my lady.” He said with a grin and a tip of his head.

He got in the car and started it. He eased out of his parking space and into the exit line, driving at a normal speed. It was weird for him to be driving so slowly. I had gotten used to him driving so fast that everything else blurred around us.

I took a deep breath getting ready to broach the question that had been stirring in my mind all day. I cleared my throat.

“Um. . . Do you . . . think that I could maybe, I don’t stay at my house while you’re gone?” I asked hurriedly.

“Why?” He asked turning and giving me a confused look.

“Well it would be a lot less house to have to myself and what with Isaac coming over I don’t think it would look to good to have him come to your house with no one home.”

He thought it over for about three seconds. “You’re right, like always. I’ll discuss it with Patrick and see if he thinks it would be okay.”

“Alright,” I said leaning my head back against the headrest. I felt like relief was radiating through my pores. Maybe whoever was leaving the notes wouldn’t find me at my mom’s house. Well, if they’re a vampire they would definitely find me. Ugh, I hadn’t thought about that fact. I guess I wasn’t really safe anywhere.

I knew that I should ask Jonathon to stay but I didn’t want to worry him. I was so stupid. If he went whoever this was might decide to kill me. If that’s what they’re aiming for. Great, I can’t win for losing.

We were quite the rest of the short ride back home. How easily I had begun to think of his house as home. It was surprising.

Jonathon pulled into the driveway. There was a car in the driveway I had never seen. Studying it closer I realized it was a BMW X6. It was a dark blue.

“Is someone visiting?” I asked.

“No,” Jonathon chuckled. “You didn’t think I’d leave you without a car this weekend, did you?” He asked.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I never thought about it.”

The BMW was beautiful. It had a sleek timeless look about it.

“My mom’s Range Rover should have already arrived I can drive that,” I said.