Page 80 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

Those two cracked me up. When they fought they didn’t sound or look like vampires. They seemed so normal all the Pulmer’s did. It was hard to think of them as vampires.

We all sat down and talked for awhile. It was nice to sit down and have a conversation with a group of people. I’d only had myself to talk to for so long.

r /> We left the track the way we came. I was surprised to see that it was already dark outside. We got back in the cars, Diana’s Lexus now added and began the drive back.

I got in the car and lay my head against the cold window. The iciness sending a shiver up my spine.

“Are you cold?” asked Jonathon already starting the car.

“No,” I lied. He picked up on the little white lie, I didn’t want to seem weak, and draped his jacket around my cold shoulders. The jacket wasn’t warm but it was better than nothing. I snuggled it closer around my body as I shivered again. Noticing this, Jonathon cranked up the heat.

I was conscious only for a few more minutes. I saw the others take off ahead of us and then I was asleep.

I was aroused by Jonathon’s cold arms wrapped around me lifting me up and cradling me like a baby. My eyes fluttered open. I began to open my mouth to speak.

“Shhh, principessa. We’re home now. Go back to your peaceful dreams.”

“Don’t leave me,” I said groggily as he laid me down in my bed.

“Never,” He said.

“Please stay with me tonight.”

“Alright,” He said kissing my forehead. “As long as you promise to go back to sleep,” He said.

“Mmmhumph.” I mumbled.

I was aware only briefly of him pulling the covers up around me securely, to protect me from his cold body. I fell asleep to him trailing his cool index finger ever so lightly down my arm. “My beautiful principessa,” He said and then I was unconscious.

Chapter Eighteen: Visitor

The school week was boring. I mean absolutely, fall asleep, boring. This week has been dreadful. I had been dreading Jonathon and his family leaving this weekend with my mom. I had a note left in my room every night since the first came. It was luck that Jonathon didn’t see it Sunday night after I asked him to stay with me. I know I should ask Jonathon to stay or one of the others but I can’t bring myself to do it. I don’t need him worrying. Even if I lie and say there is some other reason I want him to stay I won’t be able to live with myself. I hate lying and liars. It makes everything so complicated. Even if it is for a good reason.

I was sitting in Biology class on Friday thinking this when Isaac interrupted my train of thought. Isaac and I were becoming good friends. It was nice to have a normal human friend with normal human problems.

“Are you okay? You seem kind of distracted.” He asked leaning in close to me.

“I’m fine just stressing about the project.” I lied. Great, here I go with lying. But I definitely couldn’t tell him about vampires. He nodded as if that explained everything.

Ms. Cappet had assigned each table a project. We had to work with the person sitting next to us. I was thankful once again this week that I sat beside Isaac. I didn’t know anybody else to work with. Plus, Isaac really understood biology. Unlike me, I understand absolutely nothing about Biology but I was trying to learn. The project Ms. Cappet assigned to Isaac and me was on evolution. Isaac seemed ecstatic about this. He said evolution would be an easier concept for me to grasp. I hoped he was right because I didn’t want him to have to do the entire project himself due to my lack of Biology abilities.

I looked at the clock. Five minutes left until the end of class.

As if reading my mind Ms. Cappet said, “Class take the last five minutes to talk amongst your selves. Oh! And don’t forget about your project over the weekend.”

Isaac turned his body to face me. “So, any extraordinary plans this weekend with your beau?”

“No, he and his family are leaving for a short trip this weekend. So, I’m all alone.”

“Maybe we could start the project this weekend. I could come over to your house?”

I smiled. That certainly would make the weekend a little more bearable and less stressful. “That would be great.” I said.

“Cool. What time do you want me to come over?”

“I don’t care. When is it better for you?”

“Is twelve o’ clock okay? I have to rehearse with my band at three so we could work till then.”