Page 73 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

“Stop! This isn’t funny! Stop laughing at me!” I yelped ashamed. What had I done?

“I was just kidding Kylie. You should’ve seen your face. You’re my soul mate I don’t want anyone else. How could you ever think that?” He managed to get out in between hysterical laughs.

“Sorry, I have abandonment issues,” I said clutching my chest.

“Alright let’s go,” He said swinging me onto his back in one lithe lightening fast movement. We flew out of his room so fast it didn’t seem possible. I felt like I was on a roller coaster. A very scary, very fast one.

I closed my eyes for fear of getting motion sickness. I counted in my head to keep myself calm.

One, two, three-

“Kylie.” Jonathon said slightly touching my hand.

I manage to unclench my strangle hold from around his neck.

“Humph.” I exclaimed as I fell to the ground, hitting it hard.

Jonathon burst out laughing.

I stood up wiping grass from my jeans.

“I’m glad I can be of such splendid entertainment. I could have walked you know? I do have legs,” I said sarcastically.

“Oh don’t be like that.”

“I’ll be however I want to be. Where do you want to paint me before I change my mind?”

“Right over there,” He said pointing to the grass in front of his canvases.

I noticed there wasn’t just one canvas but several. It looked like three but there may have been more.

“You can just sit on the grass,” He said simply with a motion of his hand. I could tell he was focusing on his paints already in the zone.

“Okay,” I said moving to the area he had pointed out.

I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees.

“Is this okay?” I asked.

“That’s perfect.” He said smiling, pulling out a paint brush.

The sun beat down on my face but I stayed cool with the soft breeze.

I closed my eyes and hummed quietly to myself, to calm my nerves. Nothing I had ever done in my entire life had been as nerve racking as having Jonathon paint me. Every flawed detail exposed to his watchful eyes. It was like he could see down into my soul.

* * *

I had felt like we were outside for five hours but it must have been no more than three.

Jonathon was a fast painter what with his vampire speed. When he was done with the first painting he had me sit Indian style for the second. I had picked absentmindedly at the grass. We didn’t talk much and I enjoyed the silence. Not really thinking about anything, just listening to nature, the brush strokes it was all very relaxing. The one thing I did think about was Jonathon and how lucky I was to have him in my life.

For the third painting I laid on my side with my head resting in my right hand.

This time I had watched Jonathon paint. He would bite his bottom lip in concentration, when a golden blond curl would fall in his eyes he’d blow it away, not ever taking his eyes away from me.

I felt so nervous and insecure as his eyes swept over my body. I found myself blushing constantly, which then made me feel stupid, so then I’d blush some more.

“Done,” He’d said with a pleased smile.