Page 74 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

“Can I see them?” I’d asked nervously standing and stretching.

He grinned. “Sure,” He said with a wave of his hand towards the painting all lined up in a row.

The paintings were beautiful like all of Jonathon’s paintings were. I wish I could paint like that.

“Wow,” I gasped. The paintings were perfect.

“You like it?” He asked shyly and if he could’ve blushed I think he would have then.

“I love it, I love all of your paintings, and more importantly I love you,” I said.

He grabbed me around my waist. He kissed me on both cheeks before kissing my lips. “I love you too,” He said to me.

In all the paintings I was the focus. The background and foreground done in dull, subdued colors while, I, the middle ground, was done in bold, bright, eccentric colors, in order to stand out. Once again, a light seemed to form around me, it wasn’t too obvious, but I noticed it.

“What’s with the light around me?” I had asked.

“You’re my soul mate, my other half, when I look at you it’s as if you are glowing.” He had said. I just nodded still looking at the paintings mesmerized.

We went back inside and Jonathon flew through the house, an invisible blur, to put his paintings in his room.

I now stood in the kitchen. I heard Jonathon come back in with the last painting closing the door behind him.

Before I could turn around he was gone.

I opened the refrigerator to get a water bottle, there were none.

Resigned I began looking for a glass. I finally found one in the third cabinet I opened. I grabbed a glass and stuck it under the built in ice maker in the refrigerator.

The ice clanged loudly against the glass. I moved to the sink and added water to the glass.

The cold water tasted heavenly, I hadn’t realized I was this thirsty.

“I should’ve realized you’d get thirsty,” sounded Jonathon’s velvety voice, “You’ll have to forgive me. I haven’t operated on a human schedule in centuries so I’m a little rusty.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed startled, dropping the half full glass of water. I hadn’t heard him approach and his silent ascent had startled me. “Oh, crap!” I exclaimed again. I looked around frantically for a towel to wipe up the mess.

“I’ll pick up the glass; it won’t cut me like it would you,” He said, already on the floor with a palm full of shards of glass, even the small ones I would have missed with my human eyes.

“Rags are under the sink,” He said.

I grabbed one and began wiping up the water.

A big booming laugh sounded in the kitchen. I looked up and saw Joseph standing over Jonathon and me.

“Did I miss the fight? Did you finally get mad at Jonathon, Kylie? Decide to throw a glass of water at him? Don’t you know it takes a lot more than that to hurt a vampire?” He asked still chuckling.

“It was an accident,” I mumbled.

“Oh, he knows, he just likes to make everything into a joke,” said Jonathon.

“Don’t spoil my mood Jonathon You can be such a kill joy. I can’t wait to go racing, and you’re not going to ruin the fun,” Seph said.

I finished wiping up the last of the water and rang it out in the sink.

I could be such a klutz. Hopefully I wouldn’t crash any Ferrari’s. That would be a shame and I wouldn’t be able to clean up that mess as easily as I had the water.

“When are we going?” I asked standing up.