Page 38 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

She smiled a sweet motherly smile. Suddenly I was wrapped in her arms. She was hugging me. I needed a motherly hug and my mom wasn’t able to give me one.

“You poor, sweet girl, you’ve been through so much. But I’m so happy Jonathon has found you.” She whispered in my ear.

“Me too.” I whispered back.

We broke away and I looked at Jonathon. He wore an ‘I told you so,’ look on his face. I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out him.

Standing there looking at Jonathon was exhausting. Jonathon was so gorgeous it almost hurt to look at him. Almost. I would never be able to fully describe his beauty. His blonde hair fell beautifully over his pale face. His full lips curled into the smile of an angel. Who was I kidding? Jonathon was more beautiful than an angel.

I turned to my left and saw a massive wooden staircase; two beautiful guys were bickering coming down the steps. Since they were arguing they were too distracted to notice the three of us watching them.

One of them glanced over his shoulder and noticed us.

“Hey, Jonathon. Mom,” He said. His smile grew. “And you must be Jonathon’s soul mate.”

“Yeah that’s me.” I said waving at him. Waving? I was such a dork.

They came off the last step and floated to us. They literally floated! Their feet hovering above the ground. Both looked to be seventeen.

“Show offs,” said Jonathon. One of the boys came over and ruffled Jonathon’s hair jokingly.

“Mason, don’t tempt me.” Jonathon said.

“Oh! Come on Jonathon, you know you won’t hit me. You never have and never will.”

“No, I won’t hit you. But I might just light you on fire,” Jonathon said, staring down the other boy. The other boy, Mason, looked away.

“Oh! I’m so scared.” Mason taunted sarcastically trying to recover himself.

“Mason stop!” said Amelia in a commanding voice that scared the crap out of me.

“Sorry mom,” said Mason, his head hanging.

The other boy strolled over to me cockily.

“I’m Danny.” He said smilingly crookedly. He had brown hair, darker than his mom’s, but lighter than his dad’s. Patrick’s hair was so dark it was almost black. Unlike Danny’s hair Mason’s was a little darker. Both had straight hair. It wasn’t long but it wasn’t short either. It fell over their eyes messily.

“I’m Kylie.” I said, suddenly Mason was next to Danny.

“Mason’s the name.” He said taking my hand.

“Kylie.” I said, trying to suppress my giggles. These two were funny.

They must be the jokesters of the family. But then again Seph was pretty funny too.

So far everyone in the family was extremely nice. But I had one more person left to meet. On top of that, I was so tired I felt like I was going to drop to the floor asleep, wouldn’t that be embarrassing?

I must have stumbled because I felt Jonathon’s cool arms wrap around my waist.

“You must be tired.” He said to me. “Amelia, where’s Diana? I’d like Kylie to meet her, before she goes to bed.” He asked.

“I think she’s in her room.” Amelia replied.

“Thanks,” said Jonathon.

He half carried, half dragged me up the stairs.

“I know you’re tired sweet heart but you only have Diana left to meet. Then you can go to bed.”