Page 37 of Fallen (Fallen 1)

Jonathon took my hand.

“I’ll come back out to get your stuff. I want you to meet the rest of my family.” He said grinning. Oh that grin was so cute!

“Alright.” I gulped.

Chapter Ten: Meet the Family

We walked hand in hand. Jonathon squeezed my hand to reassure me. I looked up at him. He was smiling so big and proud all his shiny white teeth gleaming. He was so happy that I was going to meet his family. I on the other hand was squeamish. True, Patrick and Joseph were awesome. But the knot in my stomach wouldn’t uncoil. Maybe, I could pretend to be sick and faint. No, that would definitely back fire in my face. Ugh, maybe I really was going to be sick. Nope, no such luck.

We came to ancient steps leading to the front of the house. The door was wooden and looked as old as the steps and house. It was probably as old as Jonathon.

Jonathon opened the door, it didn’t squeak like I expected it to. The inside was amazing. Not at all what I had expected. I had expected it to be cold and dark and well, old looking. It was none of those things.

Instead the house was warm and welcoming. We walked into the living room. The hardwood floor was old and well kept, it was a dark rich color, and had to be original to the home. The walls were a rich orange. The living room furniture was a dark stained wicker with kaki cushions with orange and purple throw pillow dotting the couch and chairs. The living room set was situated around a large grand stone fireplace. There was a big screen T.V. mounted above the fireplace.

I didn’t know vampires watched T.V. Hell, I didn’t even know vampires existed. I looked up at the ceiling in awe. Even it was beautiful. It had long dark wooden beams, running across the entire ceiling.

I felt more at home here than I had at my old home. I didn’t even feel at home at my new house, what with the white walls and all; now I can’t even go back there.

“Home sweet home.” He said.

“Wow. It’s so beautiful.” I said.

“Really? You like it?”

“Yes, this place is amazing. Not what I was expecting.” I said.

He laughed. “What were you expecting?” He asked.

“You really don’t want to know.” I said.

“Yes I do. Come on, tell me.”

“Fine.” I huffed.

“On with it.” He said getting impatient.

“Well, I was kind of expecting the traditional vampire stuff. You know cobwebs, dungeons, corpses, that kind of stuff.” I said shyly.

He laughed a big booming laugh. “Humans always assume the worst of us.”

“I’m sorry.” I whispered.

“Don’t be sorry, you don’t know any better. But now you know about our world.”

“Yes I know now.”

A beautiful woman came gliding into the living room from what appeared to be the kitchen.

Her hair flowed down her back. It was wavy and the color of honey. Of course she was pale and her eyes were a light pale silver. She was dressed in clothes that appeared to be top dollar. She wore black slacks, a flowy red ruffle blouse, and red pumps. Her lips were also red. Her beauty made me want to weep.

“You must be Kylie.” She said. Her voice was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard. Well, besides Jonathon. Wait, did everyone already know me?

“I’m sorry Amelia how rude of me not to introduce you. Kylie this is my aunt Amelia, Amelia this is Kylie.” Jonathon said formally.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Kylie.” She said, extending a manicured hand to me.

“It’s nice to meet you, Amelia.” I said shaking her hand.