I slammed my fist against the door, refusing to let up until he opened.

When it did open, I nearly fell, but quickly straightened myself.

The man stood in front of me, with his hands braced above his head. He was watching me with an angry look, his lips curled into a snarl. He was a few inches taller than me, and slim like he didn’t have much to eat, but still muscular. His clothes were splattered with different colors of paint and there was even some in his hair.

I shook my head, forcing myself to stop checking him out—even if he was insanely hot.

“I don’t know who the hell you think you are,” I pointed a finger at him, “but I don’t appreciate you marching into my apartment like that. I don’t even know your name!” I threw my hands in the air, letting them settle on my waist.

A single brow arched on his elegant face. “My name’s Caelan, and—?” He paused, waiting for my name.

“Sutton,” I responded, tapping my foot and giving off the air of being completely pissed off.

“Well, Sutton,” he said my name slowly, rolling it around on his tongue, “it sounded like you were really struggling over there. I thought I’d be neighborly and help,” he smirked. “You’re welcome.”

“You—” And that’s the only word I got out of my mouth before he promptly slammed the door closed in my face.

I had my fist raised, ready to pound on his door again when another door down the hall opened.

A guy not much older than me stuck his head out, looking around, clearly disturbed by the slamming of the door.

When he spotted me, a slow grin lifted his lips and he looked me up and down.

“Did you piss off Gregory?” He chuckled. “Don’t you girls know by now that he fucks you once, then he’s done?”

“What?” I looked around, confusion muffling my brain. “Who’s Gregory? Him?” I pointed to the door I still stood in front of.

The guy leaned against the doorway of his apartment and nodded. “Yeah.”

“He said his name was Caelan!” I fumed.

“Oh,” the guy frowned, “he gave you his first name?”

“Why wouldn’t he tell me his first name? So Caelan is his name? You’re confusing me,” I admitted, venturing closer to the guy.

“His name is Caelan Gregory. He always tells his fuck buddies that his name is Gregory, so…if you’re not another notch on his bed pole, who are you?” He studied me carefully like he was trying to get a handle on me.

“I’m Sutton,” I answered. “I moved in there,” I pointed back at my apartment. “And Mr. Rude over there busted into my apartment like a madman.”

The guy winced. “Yeah, Cael, is kind of…well, you’ll learn soon enough,” he shrugged. “He’s an artist, and he doesn’t like to be…disturbed. Don’t worry though,” he added, “I’m more accommodating than Gregory.”

I shook my head in annoyance. “I’m not interested.”

He chuckled. “I have a girlfriend, so I’m not interested either. I am a nice guy, though. So if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m Frankie,” he held out a hand for me to shake and I took it hesitantly. “My sister, Daphne, lives with me. I’d introduce you, but I’m pretty sure she’s still sleeping off a major hangover.”

“That’s alright,” I told him, backing away, “I really need to finish unpacking.”

Before I disappeared inside my apartment, his voice stopped me.

“Yeah?” I turned back around, my dark hair swishing around my shoulders.

“Try not to piss off Cael too much. He’s already a pain in the ass to deal with on a daily basis. No one living here needs you to make it worse,” he frowned, tapping his fingers on the wood of the door. It was obvious he hated sounding like a jerk, but he was more scared of Caelan than me.

“Trust me,” I glanced at the door across from mine, “you have nothing to worry about.”

