When I heard a crash, I couldn’t wait any longer to say something.

I stormed out of my apartment and straight into the one across from me, since the idiot had left the door unlocked.

“What the fuck is all this noise?” I seethed, my fists clenched at my sides.

A raven-haired beauty stared up at me from the floor with wide puzzled eyes. She looked from me, to the open door in shock. I wanted to laugh as she realized her own stupidity about leaving the door unlocked. She might have been gorgeous, but clearly she was also lacking in the brains department.

I tapped my foot and crossed my arms over my chest as I waited for her to answer.

She seemed to be battling some internal debate about whether to tell me to get the fuck out or actually answer my question.

“I’m trying to hang curtains!” She glared at me, her light blue eyes full of annoyance at me.

I sneered down at her, trying to appear angry and menacing, when really I was quite fascinated by her. I noticed she cradled her knee like she’d injured herself. That’s when I noticed the chair fallen to the side. “It doesn’t look like you’re doing a very good job,” I remarked, rocking back on my heels.

“Obviously,” she snorted, rolling those pretty blue eyes at me.

Something about her attitude amused me. She was a spunky little thing.

I figured I wouldn’t get any work done until those damn curtains were hung, so I turned sharply, heading back to my apartment for my drill.

It wasn’t long until I was breezing back inside. The woman had picked the chair up and was attempting to climb back on to resume her poor job of hanging curtains. Who knew curtains could be so complicated? Why did she even need curtains? If someone looked inside and got an eyeful it was their problem and they shouldn’t have been looking.

“Jesus Christ! Not you again!” She yelled and the chair teetered, causing me to edge closer in case she fell and I needed to catch her. Whoa…since when did I think about helping someone? I looked down at the drill in my hand. I was going to blame my worry about the threat of her falling and wanting to hang her curtains on the fact that I wanted her to be quiet. It had absolutely nothing to do with her being gorgeous. None at all. Nope.

I really wanted to know what she’d look like naked and what kind of sounds she’d make as I pleasured her.

I shook my head forcefully and scolded myself for undressing her with my eyes.

Ignoring her comment, I stepped around her, pretending that the coconut scent of her body lotion didn’t have all the blood in my body running south.

I took the chair from her clenched hands and stood atop it to drill the brackets for the curtains into place.

She watched me with her mouth hanging open. I wasn’t sure if she was impressed with my handy work, or still shocked that I had busted into her apartment like a crazy person. Probably both. Hopefully I could get some work done now. She might be hot, but my work was more important. So was drinking and getting high—as long as I numbed myself I didn’t have to remember what happened to my family or how fucked up my life had become because of it.

Shaking my head free of my thoughts, I stepped down to make sure I had everything in place. No way was I going home only to have her start banging around some more because I hadn’t don

e something right.



He appraised his handy work before his light blue eyes landed on me. Slightly wavy blonde hair fell over his forehead, his nose was sharp and defined, and his lips were set in a thin grim line like I was an unruly teenager he wanted to reprimand. “Maybe I’ll get some work done now,” he snapped, striding towards the door. Something stopped him, and he turned back to me, a mocking smile on his lips. “Nice pussy.”

“What?” I gasped, shaking my head. Surely I hadn’t heard him right.

“Nice. Pussy.” He said each word slowly like I was an idiot, and then nodded his head at Brutus.

Before I could retort, he was gone, slamming the door shut behind him.

I was stunned.

Had that really just happened?

I glared at the closed door, my anger getting the best of me.

I swung it open, striding to the door across from mine, assuming that was his since it sounded like it had just closed.