Grace jumps and nearly falls out of her chair. “You scared me.”

“Sorry,” I say, closing the door and locking it. “Did you finish yet?”

“I think five more minutes will do it.” she sighs, and I notice how tired her eyes are.

I hold up the clear plastic in my hands. “Well, I brought cupcakes.”

“My hero.” She claps her hands together and pretends to swoon.

“Are you mocking me, woman?” I set the cupcakes on the end of her desk and rid myself of my shoes again. I really hate wearing shoes.

She laughs. “No. Maybe a little.”

I shake my head. “I buy you cupcakes and you mock me. I see how it goes.”

She smiles and holds up her hand, wiggling her fingers. “Five more minutes.” She turns back to her computer and I remove my shirt and start on my pants. Grace squeaks, “What are you doing?”

I pause with my belt undone. “Getting ready for bed.”

“By taking your clothes off?” Her eyes nearly pop out of her head.

I suppress a grin. “Princess, I’m not sleeping in my pants and you’ve already seen me naked so there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

She looks like she’s about to faint. “Yeah, but … but …”

“Hey, I have to be comfortable when I sleep, so boxers it is.”

“Maybe you should go back to your dorm and sleep there,” she pleads.

“Too late.” I chuckle. “You already said I could sleep here.”

She whimpers and looks at her computer and then back at me like she can’t decide which she wants to look at. Her gaze steadies on me and she squares her shoulder. She lifts a finger and points it at me like a mother about to scold her child. “No cuddling.”

I grin. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Princess.”

She breathes out a sigh and returns to her paper. “That better be the best cupcake I’ve ever had.”

I step out of my jeans and dive under her covers. “Fuck these are the softest sheets I’ve ever felt,” I comment, wiggling my toes around.

“Bennett,” she hisses. “I’m working.” She points at her computer screen.

“Oh, right.” I mime zipping my lips.

It doesn’t take her long to finish, and when she does she flips the lid closed on her computer and lets out a groan. “That paper was total bullshit, but let’s hope the teacher buys it.” She stands and stretches her arms above her head and rummages through her drawers. She holds a few items of clothing to her chest and says, “I’m going down the hall to change. Think you can manage to behave yourself for that long?”

I prop myself up on her pillows. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman. I promise not to search through your drawers and smell your panties.”

Her face twists into a scowl. “Okay, that’s gross.”

She quickly ducks out of the room and I make myself comfortable in her bed. It’s the same kind of lumpy mattress that I have but her nicer sheets and blankets make up for it. Although, she has enough pillows on here that I could make a fort and live comfortably in it. I toss some of those suckers on the floor. With two of us on the small bed we need all the room we can get. Grace said no cuddling but it’s kinda hard when there’s no room.

She comes back a few minutes later and I groan. “You have got to be kidding me.”

“What?” she asks innocently.

“You’re wearing that to bed?” I indicate her super short shorts and tight long sleeve top. Oh, fuck me, I can see her nipples puckering beneath the gray fabric. “You’re trying to kill me. You really are.”

She laughs and grabs the cupcake box and slides into bed beside me. “Scoot over,” she demands.