“Where?” I counter. “Into the wall?”

“Well, if you hadn’t dumped all my pillows on the floor you wouldn’t have to sleep against the wall.” She sticks her tongue out and then giggles.

Grace’s laugh has quickly become one of my favorite sounds in the world. It’s soft and feminine just like her.

“Hold this.” She hands me the cupcake box and then leans over to grab her iPad off the table. “Wanna watch something on Netflix?” she asks, putting in her passcode.

“Is that your subtle way of asking me if I want to Netflix and chill?”

Her dark brows furrow together, and I know she’s pondering over what I said. When she figures out the meaning, she gasps and smacks my bare chest. “Ew, you pig!”

I laugh. “I was kidding, but it was totally worth saying to get that reaction.”

She wiggles her cute little butt around trying to get comfortable. “I can’t believe I said you could stay the night here. Aliens must have taken over my brain. Yeah, that’s it. Definitely aliens.” I shake my head and open the cupcake box, grabbing mine. “What do you want to watch?” she asks.

“You pick,” I tell her.

She laugh

s. “You really shouldn’t have said that.” She clicks on some show called New Girl.

“I’m sorry, I take it back. Let me pick.” I try to take the iPad from her but she snatches it away. I somehow end up dropping my cupcake right on my chest, smearing icing all over myself.

Grace stares at the mess and then breaks out in hysterics. “I’m glad you find this amusing, Princess. Now I’m going to have to eat your cupcake.”

She gasps. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“I really want a cupcake,” I tell her, pretending to grab hers from the box.

Her hand shoots out and wraps around my wrist, keeping from going any further. I could break her hold easily, but I don’t want to.

“You wouldn’t have even gotten cupcakes if I hadn’t asked for them,” she says, her eyes flicking from me to the cupcake.

“Hey, I’ll eat this one—” I point to the fresh one “—and you can lick this one off of me.”

“Not happening, dude. Keep dreaming.”

I snort. “When did I become dude?”

“When you threatened to eat my cupcake.”

“Come on, just give me one little lick,” I plead, but suddenly feel like I’m not talking about the cupcake anymore.

Her lips purse and she shakes her head. “No.”

“Please?” I jut out my bottom lip and lean closer to her. She smells like heaven and hell all wrapped into one cute package.

She shakes her head almost imperceptibly and inches just slightly closer to me.

I swallow thickly, staring at her lips. “I want to kiss you again,” I confess. “Really kiss you.”

Her eyes widen in surprise. “Haven’t we already really kissed?”

I shake my head. “No.”

She lets go of my hand and says, “Then kiss me.”

I expected her to kick me out again, or to flat out say no, but I definitely didn’t think she’d actually say yes. I don’t hesitate for a second—I don’t want to give her a chance to change her mind.