Page 72 of One Tough Love

Chapter 23


The next day Wes was taking short walks down the hallway and eating regular food. His voice had returned and except for the white gauze bandages covering his wounds one would never know he’d been shot. Jo was starting to feel the effect that care-givers often experience. She was tired from not sleeping and she hadn’t had anything other than sandwiches, yogurts, and jello to eat. She really needed a good nights sleep. She also needed to get her car and belongings from the lake.

She was sitting on the couch texting Auggie when Wes came in from his tenth walk that morning.

“Hey.” He said looking at her. For the first time he saw the fatigue that was evident on her face.

“Baby you looked tired. Get in my bed; I’ll sit up for a while.”

Jo smiled at him. “Wes that’s sweet, but I think I need to go home.”

Wes looked crushed and sat down next to her.

She put her hand on his bare thigh. “I am tired, and I also need to get my stuff from the Lake house.”

Wes nodded he knew she was right and he felt guilty that he had monopolized all of her time.

“Okay, how can I help? Want me to get Jace or Andy to drive you up there?”

“No thank you. Auggie’s on his way.”

Wes’ face took on a hard edge, but Jo watched as he smoothed it out.

“I’m sorry Jo I wasn’t thinking about what you needed.”

Jo took his hand. “Oh Wes believe it or not I needed to be here, with you, while you heal. You’re better now, so I thought maybe with you staying one more night in the hospital, it would be a good chance for me to go get my stuff. I’ll know you’re safe while I’m gone.”

“Are you coming back?” Wes asked softly his anxiety came through in his voice.

“Yes, I’ll sleep here one more night then I’ll pack up and drive home.”

Wes smiled but it was sad. “I have gott

en rather used to being with you all the time.”

“Same here.”

“When will Auggie get here?”

“A couple hours, why?”

“I’ve been thinking about something and I’m hoping we can talk about it.”

“Okay, what?”

“Your investigation.” Wes watched Jo fiddle with his hand that was holding hers.

“What about it?”

“How about you fill me in on what you’re working on?”

“I don’t really operate that way Wes.”

“I know Honey, but you have had a brick thrown through your window, your purse snatched, your car vandalized, and you were pushed over a bridge.” Jo smiled at his recap. “I won’t get involved unless you want me to or unless I’m afraid for your safety; but I think you should tell me what you’ve discovered. Maybe I can shed some new light on it and at the very least; someone else will know what’s going on.”

Jo nodded. “Your right. All those incidents I’m pretty sure happened because someone isn’t happy about me poking around. Did I tell you Henry offered me a job?”