Page 71 of One Tough Love

“One more day. I really hate hospitals.” Wes' voice broke and Jo gave him a sideways look.

“Wes you need to stop talking so much, your throat isn’t healed yet. Play with this breather thingy.” She said handing him the clear plastic tube that had a blue ball in it. Wes blew into the mouthpiece and held the ball at the top for a few seconds. He put the apparatus down and smugly looked at Jo.

“Happy?” He said.

“You are a difficult patient mister.” She teased.

“I want to shower today. I feel disgusting.”

“Hey, you had a bath.” She said saucily.

“One I will remember for a very long time, I assure you.” He sent her a sexy wink and Jo rolled her eyes.

“Okay I’ll go ask the nurse.”

Jo got permission for Wes to shower but his wounds had to be covered with plastic wrap. A pretty young nursing assistant took a little too long and definitely too much pleasure securing the wrap to Wes’ bare upper body, Jo felt a familiar insecure tug building in her belly. Wes watched Jo chewing on her bottom lip. He remembered the first time he’d seen her do that and recognized that as a sign of her being stressed. As the young nurse chatted away smoothing the wrap over his chest Jo had to turn away, so she walked to the window.

“I think it’s good.” Wes told the nurse.

The nurse was smiling up at him. “I should add some over here.” She said laying her hands on his chest.

“No, if I need anymore I’ll have my girlfriend do it. Thank you.”

Wes sent the little nurse away and watched Jo as she looked out the window.

“Baby come here.”

It took a few seconds before she turned.

“Andy told me you took Ginger's head off in the waiting room and I heard you do it again in here. Why her? Why did that nurse bother you so much?”

“How did you know?'

"Mad PI skills." He said with a grin.

"I don’t know.” She told him honestly. “With Ginger, it was because you had been hurt protecting her and she had caused us such problems.”

“It’s hot that you were looking out for me.” Wes teased.

“As for the nurse, you handled it and I'm glad you did, thank you. If I had said something I think it would have come off as snarky. Anyway, it’s not my usual M.O., so don’t get used to it.” She sulked.

“Honey if you don’t understand something or you don’t like something I need you to speak up. How else will I know if you’re getting upset?”

“I’ll try Wes, but usually I just keep my mouth shut…”

“And run.”

Jo nodded sheepishly. ”You don’t even recognize when women are flirting with you do you?” She sighed.

“Jace says that to me all the time. I went through a rough patch, and well it’s a story for another time, but no I don’t see it all the time. When the nurse was wrapping me I didn't realize she was flirting until I saw you chewing on your lip.”

Jo grimaced and Wes tipped her chin up so he could kiss her.

“Okay my Jo care to walk me to the shower?”

“Yeah, if I don’t Nurse Touchy-Feely would be right back in here.”

Wes chuckled.