Page 59 of One Tough Love

“But I need to see my Wes.” Ginger wailed.

Jo snapped; her small 5'5" frame stepped towards the 5’10 diva with her fists balled and she looked her right in her eyes.

“He is not 'your' Wes. You are a job! He is my Wes, so get the fuck over him and practice your drama somewhere else.” Jo couldn’t believe she had just spoken to Ginger Lola like that. Jo kept her eyes squarely on the actress. She didn't trust the entitled movie star and she was not going to let her mess with Wes anymore.

“Listen up little Miss Nobody!” Ginger spat out, poking Jo's chest with her manicured finger. “He saved my life. I think we all know where that puts me on his list. He’d die for me!”

Before Jo could speak again Jace placed a calming hand on her shoulder.

“Ginger.” Jace began wearily. “Jo is Wes' girlfriend. He loves her, not you.” Jo, who had been staring at Ginger, whipped her head to look first to Jace, and then to Andy, who smiled gently at her.

Jace continued, “You need to leave. Go back to your suite; we still have no idea who shot at you. You are to stay in your room until you hear from us.” Jace looked at Leena for help.

Ginger was getting ready to argue again when Leena took charge and quickly hustled the group away. Ginger was shooting eye daggers at Jo the entire time.

“Wow Jo I don’t think I ever heard you speak that harshly to anyone before.” Griff joked with her.

“Sorry I lost it. She just made me so mad.”

Andy put a hand on her shoulder. “He is yours Jo.”

Jill had been sitting quietly in the corner and stood up. “I guess I better go too. Keep me posted Andy will you?”

Andy looked at her with sad eyes. “Sure thing Jill.”

Jill left without saying one word to Jo. She looked disconcerted and Jo knew it was because Jace had said that that Wes loved her. Jace patted Andy on the back and it was then that Jo realized Andy must really care for Jill like Wes had said.

A nurse opened the door and told them that two people could see Wes now. Then they were going to be moving him to a room in ICU.

“You two go. You’re his best friends, his family. Please, if he wakes up tell him I’m here. I’m not leaving.” Jo was serious and sat down on one of the plastic chairs.

The men nodded and left.

Jo turned to look up at Auggie and Griff. “Listen guys, here are the keys to my place. Go sleep. I’m really not leaving, and if I get a chance to see him and stay with him I will. I don’t want you just hanging around here. I promise to keep you posted.”

“Okay Jo, but we want updates okay?”

“Thanks guys, you’re the best.”

Chapter 21

Wes and Jo

When Auggie and Griff left Jo tried to wait patiently, but she just couldn't. She snuck out of the private waiting room hoping to find Wes. She saw a sign for post op, put on a scrub wrap around top that was hanging outside of the automatic door, and walked in. If she pretended to look like she knew what she was doing maybe no one would question her.

Jo walked past curtained cubicles, many of which were occupied, and passed by nurses and doctors, that barely glanced at her until she finally heard Andy’s deep voice, which she followed. When she came to the last curtained room she peeked her head around the fabric wall to find Wes. He was lying on the white hospital bed with his head slightly elevated. He didn’t have a shirt on and Jo could see the gauze bandages, the centers rusty colored from blood, affixed to his shoulder and to his neck. Yellow antiseptic solution stained his skin around the bandages white edges. A blue box near the bed beeped out his vital signs, while an IV bag

dripped into his arm. There was a tube running down his throat and a whoosh sound emanated from another machine every few seconds. Jo audibly gasped seeing how ghastly he looked, alerting Jace and Andy that she was there.

She raised a finger to her lips effectively shushing the two men. “I had to see him guys.” She said quietly stepping towards the raised bed.

Jace couldn't take his eyes off his friend, and Andy placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, knowing that she was just as shaken.

“Yeah, that’s okay. He hasn’t come around yet.”

Jace continued to stare at Wes. "He should have woken by now." He whispered in a low voice fraught with emotion.

Jo looked to Andy for an explanation.