It’s not good.
Jo started crying again and Griff made Auggie stop the car so he could get in the back to hold her.
They made it to General in an hour and forty-five minutes. Jo knew Auggie had really been flying. They walked into the Emergency Room to find the waiting room in utter chaos.
Ginger stood in a corner covered in blood. Photographers were held back by what Jo surmised was T.U.F.’s security. The hospital security guards were trying to keep people out of the large room that had no business being in there.
An officer approached them and tried to get them to leave.
“She’s friends with the man that was shot.” Griff said.
“Yeah. I’m hearing a lot of that.” The beefy guard said.
Jo spotted Andy sitting with Jill.
“Andy.” She yelled above the din.
Andy stood up and waved her over. The security guard let them pass.
“How is he?” Jo asked nervously.
“Don’t know yet. He’s in surgery right now.”
Jo dissolved into tears and Auggie put his arm around her.
Jace came out from one of the back rooms. He looked disheveled and worried.
“Jo, I’m glad you’re here.” He said wearily.
“What’s going on?’ Andy asked.
“He took a bullet in the shoulder and that should be fine but he took one in the neck. He’s in surgery now. I don’t know more than that.”
As he comforted Jo, who was still weeping into his shirt, Auggie pointed his chin at Ginger. “What’s she doing here?”
“Are you kidding this is great PR for her.” Jace said sourly.
A nurse came out looked around then headed to Ginger. She spoke to Ginger directly saying that anyone that was there for Mr. Tobin should follow her. Jace shook his head disgusted that Ginger was pretending to be so important to Wes. The nurse led the large group, which included Andy, Jill, Auggie, Griff, Jo, Jace, Ginger, Beth, Patty, and Leena to a private waiting area near the surgery wing.
Ginger was weeping dramatically on her friend’s shoulders and all Jo kept hearing was, “My Wes.” And “He saved my life.” Jo wanted to punch her. He was not hers, and she’d done nothing but cause him problems.
An hour later a doctor came into the room, everyone stood. He looked weary and Jo bit her bottom lip she was so anxious.
“You’re all here for Mr. Tobin?”
“Yes, is he okay?” Ginger sashayed to the front of the room.
“He’s out of surgery. We dug a bullet from his shoulder and that should heal completely. The bullet he took to his neck was trickier. It grazed his artery and we had a devil of a time stopping the bleeding. Luckily he's a strong man. For now, time will tell. I’ll let one, maybe two of you, in when we have him settled.”
The doctor turned and left.
“Well I have to see him.” Ginger announced to the room allowing everyone to see her tears dotting her perfectly coiffured face.
Jo had tears sliding down her face, but she kept brushing them off. She didn’t know what to do. Was she intruding if she stayed? She whispered into Auggie’s ear that she didn’t know what to do.
Auggie turned to Jace and Andy. “You two are his closest friend’s right?” They nodded yes. “Would you like us to clear out?”
Jace looked at Andy before speaking. “No, Wes will want to see Jo.” He turned to Ginger and her group. “I think it would be best of you guys went home. I’ll have a security team come get you.”