He pressed his lips to hers, glad to have her in his arms, in his life. “Yes, baby. That’s part of it, too.”

When they got to his bedroom, Kyle pulled down the covers and placed a pillow in the center of the bed.

Aaron lowered her to the floor, stripping her of her clothes while explaining safe words to her.

“Got it. Green is go. Yellow is slow. Red is stop. My God, I’m vibrating like Anna was when we walked into the diner yesterday. I’m so excited.”

“I’m going to place you face down on the bed, Gya.” Every second that passed, his hunger multiplied, reaching mammoth proportions. Obviously, she was attempting to keep her own desires in check. Pointless, since he and Kyle were going to make sure she surrendered fully to pleasure. “I want the pillow under your middle.”

“So my ass can be up in the air for you and Kyle. Got it.”

He enjoyed hearing each of her “got its.” They were her way of checking off a list. She had such an adventurous nature. God, she’s really ours.

She touched him on the cheek. “Aaron, green, please.”

He laughed. “While we are in scene, you may refer to me and Kyle as Master or Sir, understand?”

“Got it, Sir. Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir. Do I need to salute you, too?” Without waiting for an answer, she brought her hand up to her forehead. “Like this?”

Kyle came up behind her and slapped her on the ass.

Her eyes went wide and he saw her face flush. “What was that for? Uh, Master.”

“Sweetheart, you need to wait for our permission before you do anything,” Kyle said. His brother was a very capable Dom. “You’re not responsible for anything that goes on tonight. Aaron and I are. All you need to do is listen and let us know how you are feeling. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir. I got it.”

“You seem anxious to get started, baby.” He traced her jaw with his finger. “Are you?”

She nodded.

“Good.” Though he would’ve loved holding her in his arms again, he knew she needed something else, something more firm. He pointed to the bed. “Get on the bed how we discussed.”

“Yes, Sir.” She obeyed his order instantly.

With her ass lifted up nicely by the pillow underneath her middle, she looked like a sweet morsel he couldn’t wait to devour. Seeing her in this position made his cock stiffen in his jeans.

He rubbed her ass, enjoying her little trembles he could feel on his fingertips. “Nervous, baby?”

“Yes, Sir. And excited, too.”

Kyle ran his hands up and down her back. “You’re beautiful, Gya. A fucking work of art.”

She turned her head and looked at him. “You are, too, Sir.”

Aaron pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the ground.

Her stare moved to him. “You are beautiful, too, Sir.”

He bent down and traced her mouth with his finger. She puckered her lush lips, giving his finger a sweet kiss. “Suck it, baby. Show me what you can do.”

She closed her eyes and swallowed his finger. Up and down she went on the digit, and the need to touch her, to taste her, to fuck her, came from the very core of his primal nature.

With his free hand, he reached under her, massaging her breasts. He found her nipple and pinched it lightly.

She moaned, but continued sucking on his finger.

As if on cue, Kyle began kissing her back.