“You’re making me nervous. Would you two please just tell me what this is about?”

He loved how direct she could be when necessary. “Have you ever heard of BDSM before?”

“BDSM? B. D. S. M.” She shook her head and then grinned. “Does it have anything to do with burgers, donuts, sausages, or meatloaf?”

They all laughed.

“I love how you use humor when you’re nervous, baby.” He touched her cheek. “You’re still hungry, aren’t you?”

“A little, but seriously, I don’t know what BDSM means. Tell me, please.”

“I love when you say ‘please.’” Aaron looked her in the eyes. “Kyle and I practice BDSM, which is a lifestyle involving dominance and submission.”

She took a deep breath. “Okay.”

It was clear she had submissive traits when it came to sex but he knew this was a lot to take in for her. “There is a wide range of scenes inside our community.”

“Community? How common is BDSM?”

“Very. Most major cities around the world have participants and many even have clubs.” He pointed in the direction of The Masters’ Chambers. “Wilde has one over there.”

“Are you talking about role-playing?”

“That’s part of it. Pain and pleasure is another. Exhibitionism and voyeurism are others. Variety is only limited to the imaginations of the Doms and submissives.”

“What are Doms and submissives?”

“The simple answer is a Dom is the sexual leader and the submissive is the sexual follower. But there is so much more to it than that. It’s a state of mind, a state of being. A Dom must always be in control. The needs, whether emotional or physical, of the submissive are what he must be completely focused on. The more time a Dom and sub are intimate, the more the submissive learns to trust the Dom. I know this is all very new to you, Gya, so Kyle and I would like to take you to our club tomorrow night.”

Kyle nodded. “We want to give you a better understanding of our lifestyle.”

“You’ve shared so much with us. And we want to share this with you. I know my treatments will sap my en

ergy, and this is an important part of my life. I feel like I need to share it with you before we go to Denver.”

She kissed him. “I understand.”

And he could see in her eyes she did. “I love you, Gya. No matter what happens, I want you to know that.”

“And I love you so very much.”

Kyle smiled, touching her on the shoulder. “And I love you with all my heart. What do you say? Would you like to go to our club tomorrow and find out what this is all about?”

“I love you, Kyle. After what you and Aaron have told me, I must admit I’m very curious.” She kissed Kyle and then him. “I say ‘yes.’ I can’t wait for you to take me to your club of burgers, donuts, sausages, and meatloaf. Maybe you could show me a few things tonight?”

Kyle tugged slightly on her hair. “I like that idea, sweetheart. How about you, Aaron? “

“I like the idea, too.” He stood and lifted her into his arms. “You’re going to be a handful, baby, aren’t you?”

“I really don’t know, but maybe.”

He and Kyle laughed.

“What shall we start our little student on tonight, Aaron?”

“We need to keep this just a shade above vanilla. Let’s introduce her to spanking.”

“Spanking? You’re going to spank me?” Her cheeks turned red. “That’s part of BDSM, too?”