“Fuck. You’re sounding like an outsider. Someone not from Wilde.”

“I’ve been away a long time, Kyle. Wilde was my home but it isn’t anymore. Not anymore.”

“I’ve seen how you are around Gya. You’re attracted to her. Hell, you even like her despite how you’ve been acting. Tell me that isn’t true.”

Aaron shrugged. “So what if it is true. It doesn’t matter one bit.”

“I like her. You acted like a complete ass when you found us in bed together. She sensed you were pissed. Were you?”

“No. I’m happy for you.” Aaron closed his eyes and sighed. “I really am. It’s what I want.”

Shocked by what he was hearing, he asked, “You want me and her to be together without you?”

“Yes. It’s how it has to be, Kyle.”

“What a load of crap. Our whole life, despite all the hell we suffered, you and I always knew we would have a family together, a woman to love and share. Gya could be the one. I like her very much. Hell, I might even love her. Give her a chance. Don’t pull this shit now.”

“I can’t… It’s not possible.”

“What’s not possible? Having a family with me? Seeing where it could go with Gya? Staying in Wilde? What? Goddamn it, Aaron, I deserve to know the truth.”

“All of it. I can’t have a family with you. I can’t see where it might go with Gya. Yes, she amazing. Yes, I have feelings for her. But it just can never be. Staying in Wilde? No. As soon as we solve this stalker thing, I’m gone. You want SCSS or you don’t. It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s yours to keep running or to close. It’s for the best.”

“This feels just like my high school graduation all over again. You came back after Mom died to make sure I got through school. I’ll always be grateful for that, but the moment I got my diploma you were gone. You ran away.” Kyle took a deep breath. “Here we are again. You’re about to run. Why?”

“Because I’ve got cancer.”

Chapter Seven

Gya sat on the bed with the crumpled sheets she and Kyle had just been in, listening to Stephanie give the details on the condition of her house in Malibu.

“Thank God, the fire was contained in your formal living room,” Stephanie said. “There is some smoke damage, but I’ve already contacted some contractors who are preparing estimates. Nothing personal was lost. No big deal. I’m sure it will be back to normal in a couple of months, probably less.”

“That’s good to hear.” Her mind wasn’t concerned with her house as much as it was about the two men downstairs.

“I know Aaron said I shouldn’t know where you are, but if you need me to come for any reason, I will.”

“No. I’m fine. I’m safe. In fact, Aaron found out that Scarpelli hasn’t left Chicago for months.”

“Then who in the world could be stalking you if not him?”

“He might still be responsible, according to Aaron. The man is a mobster and might’ve sent one of his men to do his dirty work.”

“I hadn’t thought about that. Are you sure you’re okay, Gya?”

“I’m fine,” she lied. Actually, my heart is breaking in two. Aaron doesn’t want me. He doesn’t even like me.

“Honey, I can tell something is bothering you. I can hear it in your voice. Talk to me. Don’t shut me out.”

But that was what she did. What she had to do. What she’d done her whole life to survive. “Seriously, I’m okay.?

? Another lie, but a necessary one. She didn’t want to worry Stephanie, who was the only woman who’d ever treated her like a daughter.

“Gya, we’ve been through so much together. You know you can trust me, don’t you?”

Her mind drifted back to the most horrible night of her life, when Stephanie was still married to the monster. Stephanie had rescued Gya from his clutches.

“I trust you with all my heart, Stephanie. You’re right. I am upset.”