Stephanie listened quietly, as it all came rushing out and tears began to fall.

She told her about everything that had happened since they’d parted at the airport in Houston, including what Kyle had told her about polyamorous relationships. She didn’t hold anything back.

“Gya, never ever put stops on love.”

She wasn’t surprised at Stephanie’s nonchalant point of view of the Wilde way. The woman was the most understanding and accepting person she’d ever known.

“Maybe so, but I screwed up. I slept with Kyle.”

“Honey, why would you think you screwed up? I could already tell that you both had feelings for each other. Isn’t it only natural that you want to be with him?”

“Yes, but what about Aaron? He hates me. And like I told you, he and Kyle are supposed to end up with the same woman.”

“There’s no way that man hates you, Gya. I saw the same look in his eyes that I saw in Kyle’s. I’m not saying there’s not anything wrong, but I know it’s not about you. It’s time for you to have a talk with Aaron.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not? Are you scared? I’ve never known you to be scared about anything.”

“You’re probably right, Stephanie. It’s just that my feelings came on so quickly and I certainly don’t want to push Aaron into something he doesn’t want.”

“That’s why you need to talk to him, sweetie.”

“Okay. I’m going to take your advice and I’m going to do it.”

“That’s my girl. There’s that determination I’ve always known you to have. You deserve a chance at happiness, Gya, more than anyone I know.” Stephanie’s voice trembled a little. The past pain they had in common had healed but clearly hadn’t been forgotten. “I’m hoping you find it in the arms of these two men. They need you, honey. And you need them.”

* * * *

Kyle felt like the whole world was about to collapse. Cancer? My brother has cancer? “What kind is it?”

“I know you’re concerned, but I’m tired and a little drunk.” Aaron didn’t look up from his empty glass. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore tonight. Please don’t say anything to Gya about this yet.”

Now he understood why Aaron had reacted the way he had when he’d found them in bed together. “Okay.”

“I’ll tell you everything tomorrow. Deal?”

“No. It’s not a deal. You’re my brother.”

“Yes, I am. And you’re mine. We both know how this goes, Kyle.” Aaron was obviously thinking about what had happened to their mom. He stood and looked him straight in the eyes. “Please give me the space I need right now.”

“Okay. I understand, but know that I’m here for you.”

“I know, bro.” Aaron turned around and left him alone in the kitchen.

Kyle grabbed the bottle and thought about filling his glass, but he didn’t. He needed to keep his head clear. Aaron has cancer.

He pounded his fists on the table. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

“What’s the matter?” Gya’s eyes were wide. She’d appeared without him being aware of her coming down the stairs. “Is it Aaron?”

“Yes, it has to do with Aaron.”

She looked around. “Where is he?”

“In bed.”

“Is there anything I can do?”