“Sweetheart, I’ll go to Malibu.” Stephanie was obviously on the same page about keeping her away. “I’ll handle everything. I’ll take pictures and send them to your e-mail.”

“Okay. I give up. I guess it is for the best, but I don’t have to be happy about it.”

Stephanie laughed. “No you don’t have to be happy, but you know you can trust me.”

Gya nodded. “Yes, I can.”

“This is crazy,” the promoter said in a huff.

Aaron turned to her. “Ms. Thompson, we have it from here. I’m sure you have a bunch of things you have to do to cancel Gya’s tour dates.”

“You can say that again.”

“Don’t let us keep you from it.”

Kyle almost grinned at his brother’s arrogance. Aaron had never been accused of beating around the bush. Always straight to the point. It’s good to see him back to normal, at least his normal. Aaron had been acting so strangely the last couple of days, but now he seemed focused on the task at hand.

“Don’t keep me in the dark, ladies,” Sharon said to Gya and Stephanie. “I’ll do my best at damage control. We can reschedule most of the dates for next year.”

“Thank you, Sharon.” Gya’s diva-like attitude had nearly vanished, and in its place was a soft, genuine demeanor he couldn’t get enough of.

Her walls were down likely because of the shock of learning her house had burned and her lack of sleep. He would enjoy seeing more of this side of her. This was closer to the real person that lived underneath her façade. Was it because of her fame she’d built the walls? Or was it something else from her past?

As Sharon drove off, leaving the four of them standing on the tarmac, Kyle turned to Aaron. “Any ideas where you’d like to take Gya?”

“Let’s take her home to Wilde.”

Chapter Four

Aaron sat behind the steering wheel of the car he’d rented in Sam’s name in order to keep Gya’s whereabouts completely concealed from the world. Kyle was in back, watching the road behind them in case they were followed.

Gya was asleep in the passenger’s seat next to him. He’d never seen anyone with such fire before.

I sure wouldn’t mind taming her.

She’d put up quite the fight to keep her laptop and cell phone, but had eventually given in after he told her the risks. Until they were certain no one had put a tap on the devices, she would have to be without them. Stephanie had taken the plane back to California, carrying Gya’s cell and computer. He liked the woman. She was one of the good ones in this world full of darkness. It was obvious that Stephanie cared deeply for Gya. Like a mother.

He thought about his own mother. She’d had to raise him and Kyle as a single parent after their two dads had been killed in action during Operation Just Cause, the invasion of Panama in 1989. They were heroes.

Her mom had played home movies of them for Kyle and him to keep their memories alive. Kyle had only been four when their fathers had died, and he’d been six.

Her death eleven years ago from cancer had devastated Kyle and him. He’d returned to Wilde from college to be Kyle’s legal guardian and to make sure his brother graduated from high school. He never regretted a second of his decision.

“Where are we?” Gya yawned, stretching her arms over her head.

He glanced over at her, grinning because her blonde locks were so messy. God, she is so beautiful. “We’re just coming into Albuquerque.”

“What time is it?”

“Almost ten.”

“Oh my God. We’ve been on the road over twelve hours. You guys must be beat. How much longer until we get to Wilde?”

Kyle leaned forward. “Albuquerque is the halfway mark. Twelve more hours to go, at least.”

“You aren’t planning on driving straight through, are you? I know you two are superheroes, but even they need rest. You said so yourself, Kyle.”

“We’re going to stop for the night.” Aaron liked seeing Gya’s softer side. She seemed genuinely concerned for him and Kyle. “Tomorrow we’ll get up early and finish the trip.”