“That’s okay. Let’s get on the plane. I need to get home as fast as possible.”

“Why? What happened?” Sharon repeated her question.

“There was a fire at my house in Malibu. Looks to be arson.”

“What? Oh my God. That’s terrible news.” Sharon put her arm around Gya’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of everything. I’ll book some additional days at the hotel at our next stop on the tour.”

“No,” Gya said firmly. “I need to go home. We might even have to cancel a couple of days until I get everything worked out.”

“Not a couple of days,” Aaron said. “The entire tour is officially canceled.”

Sharon’s face darkened. “That’s not your call, Mr. Strait. You are Mr. Strait, aren’t you?”

Aaron, like always, was cool as ice. “I am.”

“Your job is to protect the talent.” She placed her finger in the middle of Aaron’s chest. “That’s all. The tour is my job. Understand?”

Kyle watched him grab her wrist, pulling her hand away from his chest.

“Ms. Thompson, I want you to understand this. I will do whatever is necessary to keep Gya safe. She’s received numerous death threats. She was shot at in Dallas. Someone tried to burn her house to the ground. I’m the best in my field. I know what must be done to make sure not a single hair on Gya’s head is harmed. Until I get whoever is responsible for this behind bars or buried six feet under she will not be performing on any stage anywhere. Am I making myself clear?”

Another roll of the eyes, though this time Sharon didn’t try to hide it. “Gya, you’re the one writing the checks. There are other companies we can hire for you that will be able to let you continue the tour. Do you agree with this dime-store security guard?”

Kyle turned to Gya.

She shrugged. “He’s the boss, Sharon. I believe if anyone can keep me safe, it is SCSS.”

“I see. Damn it.” The promoter turned to Stephanie. “Can’t you talk some sense into her? There’s a ton of money on the line.”

“And it’s Gya’s money, Sharon. I agree with Aaron. The tour is over. I’ll get a press release out today. The fans will understand after learning about the shooting and the fire.”

Sharon sighed. “Okay. I get it. We don’t want anything happening to Gya. I’ll take care of things on my end. Once this mess is cleared up we can get the tour up and running again.”

“Thanks, Sharon.” Gya turned to him and Aaron. “Guys, I really want to get on the plane so I can get to Malibu and see what has happened to my house with my own eyes.”

“Not a good idea. Way too dangerous.” Kyle turned to Aaron. “We need to get her somewhere safe and off the grid.”

“Now you’re talking like an owner, bro.”

“I’ve got a place that would be perfect for Gya.” Sharon smiled. “It’s got the creature comforts she’s used to. It’s a nice retreat close to Santa Barbara but away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles.”

“No,” Aaron said flatly.

Sharon’s face tightened. “I’ve known Gya a very long time. I know what she likes and doesn’t like.”

“I’m sure you do, but that doesn’t change a thing. Kyle and I will take care of Gya.”

“Fine. I need

to know where you are taking her.”

“We’ll let you know when we decide.”

“Excuse me.” Gya shook her head. “You’re all talking about me like I’m not here. I am here. My house burned. Can’t you understand why I need to go there and check it out for myself?”

Aaron stepped in front of her, and in an unusual soft tone said, “Of course I understand, Gya. But it isn’t safe.”

Kyle could see through the cracks in his brother’s steely manner. Aaron was attracted to Gya as much as he was.