“Okay.” But deep down in her gut she suspected there was more to it than that.

* * * *

Kyle walked down the stairs with Gya. Aaron sat at the kitchen table with an open bottle of whiskey and a half-empty glass. Something is definitely off with him.

As he and Gya took seats, Aaron didn’t look up, but kept staring at his drink.

“What’s up, bro?”

His brother took a deep breath and downed the rest of his whiskey. Then he filled his glass again. “Scarpelli wasn’t the one who fired the gun in Dallas or burned Gya’s house. He hasn’t left Chicago for several weeks, but it could be one of his associates. We just don’t know right now, but we are going to follow every lead we have. Until then, Gya stays put here.”

Aaron’s cell rang. “Hello. Yes. She’s safe. I can’t tell you that, Stephanie.”

“It’s Stephanie?” Gya held out her hand. “Let me talk to her.”

Aaron nodded. “You can’t tell her where you are, Gya, for her safety. Your stalker, whoever he or she is, will use anything and anyone to find you. They’ve already shot at you in a crowd. Someone could’ve been hurt or killed. You understand?”

Gya nodded. “Yes. I understand. I won’t say anything.”

He handed her the phone.

“Hi, Stephanie. Yes, I am. I’m fine. Hold on.” Gya looked at him and Aaron. “Please excuse me. I want to talk to her about something personal.”

“Fine,” Aaron stated flatly. “Just keep your promise.”

Seeing her cringe at his brother’s tone made Kyle angry. “Sweetheart, go take your call upstairs.”

When she headed up the stairs, Aaron lifted his glass to his lips. When he sat it back down on the table, it was empty.

“Cut the crap, Aaron. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Not a damn thing.” He filled his glass again.

“Bullshit. You’re not a big drinker but tonight you’re pounding it down like you’re headed to skid row. I know you. You’re not fooling me one fucking bit.”

Aaron shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you, Kyle. Sometimes a man needs a drink.”

He thought about the last time he’d seen Aaron in this state. It was the night after their mother’s funeral. He’d drunk an entire bottle of Jack Daniels by himself. This was serious. “Talk to me. I’m your brother. I love you, man. Don’t leave me in the dark. I want to help.”

“I know you do. And I love you.” Aaron stood. “Join me. Have a drink.”

“Sure, but I’m not letting you off the hook no matter how hard you try to shut me out.”

“I know. You’re the sunny brother. I’m the gloomy brother.” Aaron smiled and trotted off to the kitchen, bouncing off the side of the counter once, a clear indication that the liquor was getting to him.

“You’re not upset about finding me and Gya in bed together, are you?”

“Not at all.” Aaron placed a clean glass in front of him and poured a hefty amount of whiskey into it. Then he refilled his glass and sat back down. “In fact, I would like to propose a toast.” He lifted his glass. “To my brother Kyle and his girlfriend, Gya. May they live long and happy lives together.”

Kyle slammed his glass down on the table. “That’s it, Aaron. You fucking tell me what’s wrong or I swear I’ll rip it out of your throat.”

“Nothing is wrong. I’m happy that you and Gya have found each other.”

Aaron started to lift his glass again, but Kyle grabbed his arm, keeping him from drinking.

“Talk to me. This isn’t like you.”

“Maybe it is. Maybe this is the real me, bro. The asshole brother Strait. Gya deserves someone like you, not like me.”