“I saw a billboard for a hotel up the road about a mile. It also has a diner that claims to have the best steak in New Mexico.” Kyle sighed. “I’m starving. How about you two?”

“Since the tour is canceled, worrying about keeping my weight in check is no longer an issue. And with Stephanie in California, I don’t have to deal with her trying to get me to eat only healthy meals. I am going to eat a giant stack of pancakes.”

Aaron saw the neon sign up ahead for the Springwater Hotel. “So you like pancakes?”

“Love pancakes.”

“Wait until you try them in Wilde. There’s none better, though they are called King Cakes there.”

“King Cakes? I’ve heard of them. Aren’t they actually real cakes and made only in Louisiana during Mardi Gras?”

“Not the same kind. Our King Cakes are in Wilde only. Hot cakes. Flapjacks. Pancakes. Whatever you want to call them, they are delicious.”

“You’re making my mouth water.”

Kyle laughed. “You got her, bro. Hook, line, and sinker.”

“Got me how? What’s so funny?”

“You’re not the only famous person who has been to Kyle’s and my hometown. Elvis Presley made a stop there. He ordered the pancakes and left a two hundred dollar tip. Ever since, pancakes at the diner are called King Cakes.”

She giggled, which thrilled him. “So if I have these amazing pancakes and leave a bigger tip than the King, do you think they would consider changing the name to Gaynor Cakes?”

“I doubt that, but I’m sure you could put your stamp on something in our town,” Kyle said. “You’re a big deal you know.”

“Not happening, bro.” Aaron knew what had to be done. “We have to keep her off the grid completely. She can’t be seen around town. If word got out, it could leak to the press and then we’d be right where we started—having to find a new place to take her.”

“I’m used to avoiding the public. Wait until you see my disguises. You won’t know who I am.”

He pulled into the front of the hotel. “You can’t be seen here either. I’ll go check us in. Kyle, you know what to do.”

“On it, bro.”

She winked. “Me too, boss.”

He turned and headed to the door quickly, hoping she hadn’t seen him smile. As the glass doors opened to the tiny hotel, he began scanning the area. There was only one elevator. Behind the reception desk was a young man in a white shirt and tie.

“Good evening, sir. Checking in?”

“Yes.” It only took a few minutes to get the key card to a room on the second floor. He would’ve preferred the top floor, though there were only three floors total at this hotel, but it didn’t have any vacancies. “Does the card work on the exit at the end of the hall, too?”

“It does.”

Good, that’s how we can bring Gya in. Hopefully without anyone seeing her.

“Would you like some help with your luggage, Mr. Abbott?”

Mr. Abbott was one of the aliases he used when transporting clients. Remaining incognito was just part of the job. With Gya, it was one of the biggest parts. “No thank you. What about the diner? Do they deliver to the room?”

“No they don’t, but you can order carry out.”

“Appreciate the info.” Aaron went out the front door and ran into a middle-aged, brunette woman carrying a baby. “Excuse me, ma’am.”


She mumbled something and moved aside, keeping her head down and her eyes on her child.

He took a step to the car and saw Kyle leaning against it with their bags at his feet, grinning broadly. “Is Gya inside the car?”