“Don’t you remember? I said ‘overruled.’”

God, no. She can’t. Not now. Overruled? That’s the safe word she chose with Mick and me.

“Let go. You’re a Dom. Overruled. That word meant something to us. Remember?”

“Yes, it did, baby. A long time ago.”

“Long time or not, I need you to let me go. Overruled. I mean it, Dustin.”

“You’re worked up, Paris. Relax. Take a breath and just relax.” He held her in place, afraid if he released her he would lose her forever.

“Are you listening to me, Dustin? Please. Please. Please. Overruled. Overruled. Overruled.”

His Dom training kicked in, and he let her go, stepping back. As much as he wanted to keep hold of her and force her to face whatever demons she was dealing with, he couldn’t. She needed a moment. As much as he didn’t want to back off, she needed him to.

Free of his hold, she stepped over the broken glass, unlocked his office door, and ran out.

He thought about chasing after her, but didn’t, not knowing what he could say to calm her down.

Why did she keep such a secret for so long?

* * * *

Early the next morning, Paris was lying on her bed crying, pulling out one tissue after another, wiping her eyes with them, and throwing them on the floor. She hadn’t slept at all the night before. All she could think about was Dustin and his reaction to her news.

Her cell rang.

“Damn it. I don’t want to talk to anyone.”

She looked at the screen and saw that her father was calling. “Hello, Dad.”

“Hi, sweetheart. Was calling to let you know I will be arriving tomorrow morning. How’s everything with you?”

“I’ve screwed everything up.” She felt another round of fresh tears roll down her cheeks.

“You’re crying. What happened?” The concern in her father’s voice couldn’t be missed.

“Everything was working so well with Dustin. And then I told him the truth.”

“Told him the truth about what, honey? You’re not making any sense.”

“I’m a surgeon, Dad.”


“A doctor. I passed the Nevada and Colorado boards right before I returned to Destiny to work with Dustin in the practice.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why keep it to yourself?”

Sobbing, she said, “You’re mad at me, too.”

“No, baby. I’m not mad. I’m just confused. Take a deep breath and tell me everything.”

She and her dad talked for over thirty minutes. She told him about what happened in Phoenix all those years ago, and why she went back to school. But she didn’t tell him the real reason, knowing it would only bring back difficult memories for him.

“My reasons were wrong. All wrong. Now I’ve ruined everything.”

“Dustin loves you, honey. So does Mick. Mark my words, this will all work out. One question, Paris. Why aren’t you practicing medicine now? You have the license.”