There was something in her tone that told him whatever she wanted to share was difficult for her. Even after making love was she still going to take the job in Wilde? He couldn’t blame her if she wanted to after all the hell he’d put her through. Proving to her he’d really changed might take more time than he’d originally thought.

What if she was ready to accept Mick’s proposal? Without me?

He buttoned his shirt. Better to put this off until he had a grasp on where she was coming from. He would fight for her. He would show her he really had changed. But he needed more time. “We can talk any time, baby. No rush. Can I get you some coffee?”

“Only if it’s made, because I really need to talk to you now. I can’t put this off any longer.”

“I thought everything was okay with us now.” Whatever she wanted to tell him, he knew by the look on her face it wasn’t good. “Am I wrong?”

“No, you’re not wrong. Everything is okay. At least I think it is. But there’s something you need to know.”

She is struggling with whatever this is.

Though he would’ve rather delayed this, he sensed she couldn’t wait. Her needs come first.

He sat down next to her. “Tell me, Paris.”

“This is hard.” She took a deep breath. “You remember those years I was in Nevada?”

A sting of jealousy sliced through him. “You didn’t find someone else, did you?”

“No. It’s nothing like that.” Closing her eyes, she blurted out, “I was in medical school at the University of Nevada. I am a surgeon, Dustin. I have my medical degree and have a license to practi

ce medicine in both Nevada and Colorado.”

“You what?” Hurt and anger swamped every fiber of his being.

“I’m so sorry. I tried to tell you and Mick a long time ago, but—”

“But nothing. How could you keep such a thing a secret, Paris? Does your father know?”

She shook her head. “No. I haven’t told anyone. I started it to prove something to you. You may not remember saying to me that anyone could be a nurse, but not everyone could be a doctor.”

“I remember. It was the day you broke up with Mick and me. The day you ripped my heart out of my chest.” And the day I lost my patient. “Why?”

“It began out of spite. I wanted to prove to you that you were wrong, but later it changed. I began wanting to prove to myself I could do it. I never had any intentions of using my license. Being a nurse is what I’m comfortable with, but—”

“Comfortable?” She doesn’t trust me. She doesn’t trust herself. “There’s more to it than that, Paris Cottrell.”

“Damn it, Dustin. Don’t start again.”

He stood, pulling on his pants. “How could you keep something so important from me? From your dad? From Mick? From the whole town?”

“Because it’s nobody’s business but mine.”

“Bullshit. Stop deflecting. Tell me the truth. Why? What are you afraid of?”

“I’m done here, Doctor.” She stood.

He blocked the door. “Not until you tell me the truth.”

Tears streamed down her face. “You don’t own me, Dustin Ryder. I’m taking that job in Wilde. I’m leaving Destiny, and you won’t have to look at me ever again.”

He grabbed her by the wrists. “Stop stalling. Tell me why. Tell me now.”

She blinked and then closed her eyes. “Overruled.”
