“No, sweetheart. It’s him. It’s how his brain works. He always wants his ducks in a row.”

“Maybe so, but I have a heart, needs, and dreams. I’ve been putting them on the back burner for far too long. I want a future with you both, but I’m beginning to believe that may never happen. He needs to commit to this. I’m done waiting.”

Just then, Dustin walked into the cafeteria.

Mick waved him over. “Let him get some sleep first before we talk to him about this, okay?”

Being completely exhausted, she agreed. “Yes. But tomorrow I’m going to tell him how I feel.”

Dustin sat down next to her, pushing some papers in front of her. “Read these.”

She could tell he wasn’t just tired. He was also in a foul mood. Did something else happen in the ER after Mick and I left?

Glancing down at the first page, she saw a name and number. “What’s this?”

“I want you to call this lady tomorrow morning to set up an appointment. She’s the dean of admissions of my medical school. She’s expecting your call.”

“Dustin, I’ve told you over and over I do not want to be a doctor.” I’m not good enough.

“Damn it, Paris. I saw you in the ER with that little girl. You saved her life. You have talent.”

“Yes, I do. Nursing talent.”

He slammed his fists down on the table. “Anybody can be a nurse, but not everyone can be a doctor.”

“Anybody? You’re such an ass.” I have a mind to prove him wrong and go get my medical degree in Nevada after all.

“I might be an ass but I know you should be a doctor, Paris.”

“This is just another one of your excuses, Dustin, to put off committing to our relationship. Right? You want me to move here to Phoenix, enter medical school, and wait to get engaged until I finish. Tell me I’m wrong.”

“Dammit, Paris, we can get engaged any time.”

Mick looked Dustin straight in the eye. “Calm down, bro. Can’t you see she loves being a nurse?”

“And she’ll love being a doctor.” Dustin’s face was red. “There’s a ton of doctors in the world but only a few great ones like your dad. You have the talent and that genius brain of yours to be just as great as him—hell, maybe greater. So what if we wait to get engaged until you get your license?”

“So it doesn’t matter what I want? What I need?” Trembling with anger and hurt, she stood. “It’s all about you and your damn plans, Dustin. I’ve had enough. I’m done. It’s over.” She turned to Mick. “Please take me back to Destiny.”

* * * *


Destiny, Colorado

Paris handed the bowl of ice cream to little Hayden. “Chocolate, just like you ordered, young man.”

“Yummy.” Hayden sat up in the bed and took the bowl and spoon.

Hayden was one of the orphans from the Boys Ranch, so Amber and Belle had been by his hospital bedside the entire time except when he’d been taken back to surgery to remove his tonsils. Belle was nearly seven months along in her pregnancy. Her baby was due in August, while Amber’s was due any day. Both women looked beautiful.

“Small bites, sweetheart,” Belle said. “The ice cream is going to taste good but it might hurt your throat a little.”

The boy nodded and took his first taste. He smiled. “It does hurt some, Aunt Belle, but I’m tough.”

Amber kissed him on the cheek. “Tough as nails.” She turned to Paris. “You think Doc will release him today?”

“Normally, he likes to keep the kids here one night, but as well as Hayden is doing, he might make an exception.”