“No exceptions, nurse.” Dustin walked into Hayden’s room. “He’s with us tonight.”

Same old Dustin. Nothing has changed.

“Yes, of course, doctor, as you wish.” She kept her tone civil.

Dustin took Hayden’s chart. He rubbed his chin, which sported the dark shadow of stubble it always had. “You are doing well, young man. Very well.”

“Paris gave me chocolate ice cream. She even told me I could have as much as I like.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Oh, she did, did she?”

“Doc, is there any chance you could release him today?” Amber asked. “We’ll make sure he rests.”

“Why so anxious to get him back to the Boys Ranch?”

“We have a lot to do before my baby comes. You know those last-minute details.”

Belle reached over and squeezed her hand. “Amber, if you need to get back, I can stay with Hayden tonight.”

The love between the sisters warmed Paris’s heart. Both women had become close friends to her. Being an only child had never bothered Paris, but now she felt like she had two sisters in them, which was wonderful.

“Belle, you have enough to deal with.” Amber turned to Dustin. “If you really think Hayden needs to stay overnight, I completely under—oh.” Her hand went to her tummy. “That hurts.”

“Looks like you and Hayden may both be staying overnight.” Dustin smiled, reminding Paris why she was still in love with him. His dark thick hair, chiseled features, and dedication to his patients were just a few of the things she adored. The smile faded as he turned to her, tearing her heart a little more. “Get the examining room ready for Amber. I want to check her.”

“Yes, sir.” She exited the room quickly, feeling heat in her face and not wanting him to see her cheeks turn red.

Why had she agreed to work at the practice in Destiny that Dustin had taken over from her dad? Twelve months had passed and things were exactly as she’d left them ten years ago. Nowhere.

No one knew about her degrees from the University of Nevada or her certifications from the same state, including her father.

With her degrees, she could’ve gone anywhere in the country. She’d returned because deep down, she wanted to come home to Destiny to collect her thoughts, still feeling completely inadequate for the career she’d trained for. She’d also hoped to find a different Dustin. But he hadn’t changed. Not one damn bit.

I need to collect my thoughts again. Music was always her go-to for that. She plugged in her ear buds to her cell and selected one of her favorite Gya Gaynor songs. God, that woman can sing.

The words Gya sang broke Paris’s heart and she began to cry.

It’s too late for us, my love,

I know you must be free.

I thought we’d always be together,

But that can never be.

The fire at the clinic last year had shaken her to her core. Had it not been for the volunteer firemen, she would’ve died in that blaze. Dustin had actually changed for a bit back then, but had quickly returned to his old ways once he knew she was okay. The hot and cold of their professional relationship, which was all that was left, continued to boil and freeze almost ever since.

She looked at the examining room, which was already set up. “What kind of preparation does he need? It looks fine to me.”

She took a deep breath, hoping to quell her frustration before Dustin came in with Amber.

No one kne

w about the job offer she had. Not Dustin or Mick.

Secrets. They just keep getting bigger and bigger.

But the one that crushed her every day was the one she had to keep to herself. Crazy, how she’d been able to keep such a thing from everyone in her life. It had started simple enough, with plans to eventually confess. It was clear to her that Dustin thought she’d met someone while away. It was better he thought that than what she was actually keeping from him. That was real betrayal. Now, after so long, she doubted she would ever tell Dustin and Mick. Why? It wasn’t like she was going to do anything differently, despite all the work she’d done during her years away.