“They are checking Amber now. Belle is in Hayden’s room.”

“How’s the little cowboy doing without his tonsils?”

She smiled. “He’s a tough one, that’s for sure.”

“All those orphan boys are. Emmett brings them to the Steele Ranch from time to time to help me with the new heifers. They’re becoming quite the little ranchers.”

“Everyone in town loves those sweet boys.” Katy was the kind of woman who was sometimes brash and outspoken, but she also had one of the biggest hearts he’d ever come across.

Almost as big as Paris’s. Almost.

“Have a seat, Mick. I’ll let you know when they are done.”

“Sure thing.” He took the closest chair to the reception desk and grabbed a magazine. He thumbed through it, trying to pass the time, but his mind was fixed on something else, something he’d been wrestling with for years.

His and Dustin’s breakup with Paris had crushed him, but he’d never given up. He’d come to the clinic to ask Paris and Dustin to join him for lunch—quite the task, especially as of late. Instead of time healing their broken relationship, the more days, weeks, months, and yes, even years that passed seemed to cause them to drift further and further apart.

He’d been patient with both of them, trying to give them the space they needed to figure out what he knew. They were meant for each other. They belonged together.

I need to be patient a little longer. It will work out. It has to.

Paris had been absent for years from Destiny, coming home only for the holidays to visit her father. She’d met Mick and Dustin for a quick dinner to catch up twice during that time. When asked about what she’d been up to, she’d changed the subject. Even now, she avoided talking about her time away. Dustin still tried to pry information out of her, even going to her father to see what he knew. All dead ends.

Dustin thought she must’ve met a man while away and just didn’t want to tell her two exes about the new guy. Jealousy did run deep in his brother.

Mick didn’t believe that one bit and told him so. If Paris had met someone, where was the man now? Even if there had been another guy, he’d be showing up in Destiny to try to win her back. That was the impact Paris had on a man.

No. Not possible. He and Dustin had talked many times about the possibility. Dustin didn’t agree with him that there was no other guy. “Mick, you’re an eternal optimist.” Maybe it was true. Hope was all he had left. In time, he believed Dustin would figure out what an ass he was being with Paris. He also expected her to eventually fess up about what happened to her all those years away.

He put the magazine back on the table and stood. “Katy, how much longer do you think they’ll be?”

“Only a few minutes and then we’ll know something.”

The sound of footsteps echoed down the hall.

“Actually, I think they are done. Here they come, Mick.”

He turned and saw the mother-to-be walking between Paris and Dustin.

“You’re getting close, Amber, but since you’re only dilated to two centimeters and have had just one labor pain, I’m sure you have time to get home and get a bag packed. It’ll be today or tomorrow.” Dustin could be a hardass at times, but he was always good with his patients.

“Do you need a ride?” Paris asked her.

Amber smiled. “Thank you, but no. Emmett is over at the diner. He’ll drive me home. Belle is going to stay with Hayden. Should I come right back, Doc?”

“Take your time. Come back when your pains are five minutes apart.”

Mick walked up to Amber. “You’re in good hands.”

She nodded. “Your brother is an amazing doctor.”

“Yes, he is. I’m sure you’re excited, and I can’t wait to see those husbands of yours. We won’t be able to contain them.”

“Don’t I know it. They’ve been over the top my entire pregnancy.” Amber turned to Paris and Dustin. “Thank you. I’ll be seeing you soon, I’m sure. I’m going

to make a quick detour to Hayden’s room and let him and Belle know the plan.”

As Amber left, Dustin handed a chart to Katy. “Get the delivery room set up.”